Nan.Numerics.Primes Nan.Numerics.Primes/Prolog 1.3.0-beta A Simple Prime Number Library in Prolog Copyright 2016-2017 Julio P. Di Egidio Licensed under GNU GPLv3.
Module =prime= provides predicates to test (positive integer) numbers for primality, find divisors and factor numbers, generate prime numbers in some interval, find consecutive prime numbers, and save/load all prime numbers up to some value to/from a file or stream.
All predicates in module =prime= are safe, i.e. validate input arguments and ensure steadfastness. For maximum performance, user code can directly call the unsafe =public= (not exported) predicates in module =prime_lgc=.
Implements a variant of the Miller-Rabin primality test that is deterministic for numbers up to =3317044064679887385961980=, otherwise it is probabilistic with the number of iterations fixed at =20=.
For better performance, leverages a prime wheel of level =6=, i.e. generated by the first =6= prime numbers, and thread-local memoization of pairs of consecutive prime numbers.
NOTE: Since the primality test in use is probabilistic in general, this library is not suitable for cryptographic applications.
This library was developed and tested with: SWI-Prolog 7.3.25 -
Usage example:
?- pack_install(nan_numerics_primes).
?- use_module(library(nan_numerics_primes)).
?- time(prime_right(1234567891012345678901234567890123456789011111, P)).
% 1,227 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.010 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips)
P = 1234567891012345678901234567890123456789011139.
To be done: Implement parallel factoring functions. To be done: Implement probabilitic test error estimates? To be done: Implement option for num. of probabilistic iterations? To be done: Implement prime counting/n-th prime functions. To be done: Implement deterministic tests? To be done: Improve compatibility with other Prolog systems.