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Getting Started with Asterisk

J.P. McNeely edited this page Apr 19, 2015 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the Fort Wayne LUG Asterisk Wiki!

This build is based on Debian 7. It is not difficult to use a different distro, but the details are left as an exercise for the reader.

To begin, load up a machine (or VM) with the latest Debian 7 amd64 OS. When you get to "Software selection", we only need "SSH Server" and "Standard system utilities" for our build, but you can, of course, select any other pieces you want.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Take all required precautions to keep your system secure. These instructions are meant for a lab environment which implements the necessary security external to the build machine. If you do not have a similar environment, there are many sources of information pertaining to security. In this scenario, it is advised that the security be addressed before proceeding with these instructions.

To get the base software, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the system as root (or su up from a regular user).
  2. Run apt-get install git.
  3. Run git clone
  4. Change to the Asterisk directory (cd Asterisk).
  5. Run ./ to load the build packages, as well as some other components for later use (MySQL client libs, curl, etc).

Now we have the base environment to build our Asterisk PBX!

There is also a script that will install additional pieces (like MySQL server, Apapche2, phpMyAdmin, etc).

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