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DOR Mapping PIN Request API

API to generate a new PIN for parcels within a user's SDE named version

Application Author: James Midkiff
Visual Design and Workflows Documentation: Donna Short

User directions

See Workflows for Pin Application.docx for the steps to take for the application's most common workflows.

A user with access to the dor_mapping database should visit the login page <production_site>, input their login credentials, and then specify the Addr_Std and MapReg of the parcels they are looking to assign PINs to. The application will begin an edit session in the named version for the user, and search for parcels that:

  1. Match this Addr_Std and MapReg (case-sensitive and punctuation sensitive!)
  2. Have a NULL PIN value, and
  3. Have a status of 1 or 3

For all parcels found, the application will assign the next available PIN number > 1,999,000,000 into parcel_rev_evw using that user's SDE named version. The application will then display these records and the new PINs to the user, who can then repeat the same action for a new Addr_Std and MapReg or logout of the application. PIN will increment for each successful record edited by a user in their named_version, so there is no possibility of receiving the same PIN. In other words, PIN is independent of users and will globally increment by each call regardless of who called for the increment. Leave either section blank to locate parcels with NULL or empty Addr_Std and MapReg values.

Note that the spelling and case for Addr_Std and MapReg must be exact, including punctuation. Some addresses are listed as "XX AVE" while others are listed as "XX AVENUE" for instance, so if you are unable to locate a parcel that you believe is in the database, try different spelling variations.

If multiple parcels share the same PIN and you would like them to all have a new PIN, set the PIN to NULL in ArcGIS Pro inside your named version and then use the application to assign them all a new PIN.

All successful PIN requests will be logged into the table dor_mapping.dor.pin_request_test.

Valid usernames will appear in the "ROLES" for dor_mapping and have an already existing SDE version. They are likely your AD username with "_" instead of "."

PIN Conflicts

The application cannot easily guarantee that users will not assign conflicting PINs to parcels (either the same PIN to different parcels or different PINs to the same parcel). To avoid this, please:

  1. Avoid working on the same parcels as other users
  2. Avoid manually creating PINs outside of the application

If the application generates a PIN that is already in use, it will fail to process the request and instead return the pre-existing PINs and the number of existing active parcels using that PIN. This is something that must be manually addressed; contact CityGeo team members Alex Waldman, Donna Short, and James Midkiff at <email_address>.

SDE Versions reconcile every Sunday.


There is a test version which if it is running will be accessible at the public IP address of the server on port 8080, likely <test_site>. It will also indicate that it is the testing version at the top of the webpage.

To run the test version of the application, there is an additional system daemon, whose service is at /etc/systemd/system/flaskapp.service which also contains the AWS environment variables for boto3. This can be started as normal with sudo systemctl start flaskapp_testing.service and checked with sudo systemctl status flaskapp_testing.service. The status of all flask related systemd services can be checked with sudo systemctl list-unit-files --type service -all | grep "flask", and it can be followed with sudo journalctl -fu flaskapp_testing.service.

When not testing, this service should be explicitly stopped with sudo systemctl stop flaskapp_testing.service

Note that the service will run

/scripts/dor_mapping_pin_request_api/venv/bin/flask --app '/scripts/dor_mapping_pin_request_api/dor_mapping:create_app(testing=True, commit=True)' --debug run -h -p 8080

which will load the testing and commit variables as True, use the E3 test database rather than the E3 prod database, allow the application to be accessible on port 8080 from anyone who can access our City network. This is only safe to run because the instance has security groups that restrict traffic to the VPN and City internet.


This Flask module generally follows the Flask Tutorial, in that it:

  • Uses a blueprint that is registered to an application factory
  • Is layed out as an installable package
  • Uses a /static for static CSS and image files

Beginning and ending named_version edit sessions can permanently hang if too many edit sessions have been started without a database connection commit() or rollback().

If additional parcel_type values should be added to the list of options, edit the file dor_mapping/templates/auth/record.html.


A named version edit session can only be set or started when logged in as the user that is the owner of that named version. This was tricky to determine, but was noted from looking at the source of the function sde.sde_set_current_version() in DBeaver. Therefore, the actual application will in order:

  1. "Login the user" i.e. create a database connection as the user (thereby confirming their username and password are correct to access the database)
  2. "Login as version owner" i.e. create a db connection as DOR
  3. Confirm that a named version edit session can be started as the user
  4. If this all succeeds, then advance the user to the next route

The source of a named table version can be inspected by looking at its source in an application such as DBeaver. Use that source code and sde.sde_table_registry to determine the source tables that a view is built off of. The "delta" tables are listed as dor.aint and dor.dint where a stands for appends and d stands for deletes as a means to track all appends, deletes, and changes (append and delete) and int is an integer referenced on sde.sde_table_registry.

On their own, users will generally reconcile and post to QAQC version which functions as a "test" version before the "prod" version called DEFAULT, and it functions similar to a git pull/push.

When using a database adaptor such as psycopg, the queries to commit SQL must occur after every single SDE statement to end the edit named version session, NOT before; otherwise the session won't be fully closed and users will be unable to reconcile and post their changes.


The Flask applications uses a Gunicorn WSGI server and an nginx HTTP server. This process closely follows this walk-through.

To manually launch gunicorn, run gunicorn 'dor_mapping:create_app()', but gunicorn is being launched by systemd. There is a file located at /etc/systemd/system/flaskapp.service which also contains the AWS environment variables for boto3. To follow the logs generated by gunicorn, run sudo journalctl -fu flaskapp.service. These logs should be automatically rotated and deleted from the defaults given in /etc/systemd/journald.conf, and the log files themselves are located at /var/log/journal/<systemid>, though they are not human-readable and are only designed to be read by journalctl. If you include --access-logfile - in the gunicorn command, you may get too much noise in the log files and stdout as a result of AWS Load Balancer health checks.

nginx has a configuration file located at /etc/nginx/conf.d/app.conf, which is loaded by /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

Both of these will now be running in background daemons, so you are free to close the ssh session and go to the public IP address given with ip a and :80. You can see the ports in use with sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

Only one application can use a port at the same time - you can use sudo pkill <application> or sudo kill <process_id>, but use that carefully! If making any changes, run sudo systemctl restart nginx for nginx or gunicorn.

When not using systemd, the application can be launched with sudo ./venv/bin/python -m flask --app dor_mapping/ run -h -p 80 --debugger, or if looking to just run locally, use flask --app dor_mapping/ --debug run.

Server-Less Components

There is a load-balancer dor-pin with HTTP/HTTPS listeners. The HTTPS listener uses the SSL certificate and will forward traffic to the dor-pin target group which currently includes the citygeo-linux-webserver ec2-instance. The load balancer will perform a health check every 20 seconds on the / route.

Future applications would be in Docker Containers and deployed to AWS ECS via Terraform for more serverless and load-balancing approach.


  • /
    • - This document
    • pyproject.toml - TOML file to register this repository as a package
    • .gitignore - Gitignore file
    • dor_mapping/
      • templates/ - HTML files
        • auth/ - Child templates utilized by Flask Blueprint
          • login.html - /login endpoint for logging in
          • record.html - /record endpoint for inputting information to record
          • result.html - /result endpoint for displaying the table of updated information
        • layout.html - A parent template that is extended by all child templates
      • - The front-end file that contains the blueprint (named "auth") that provides the routes offered by the Flask application
      • - File that controls database actions and interactions, called by
      • - File that contains the Flask application factory and that registers the repostory as an installable package
      • - Miscellaneous postgresql commands
      • - Postgresql commands for SDE operations
    • /static
      • favicon.ico - The "favicon" used to give an image to the application tab in the browser
      • styles.css - The overriding CSS file used for styling. Created by Donna Short.


Database Schema Name Type Usage
dor_mapping dor roles The roles that someone can log into the database with
dor_mapping sde sde_versions table List of current SDE named versions
dor_mapping dor pin_request table PIN request logging table (will need to grant privileges to all editors for this table)
dor_mapping dor parcel_rev_evw view Where to check if record exists (in correct named version)
dor_mapping sde sde_table_registry table Lists the registration_id and the corresponding table for a particular view
dor_mapping dor pancel_evw view DO NOT USE - Out of date, based on parcel_old


API to generate a new PIN for parcels






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