This module provides an object-oriented wrapper around the BigCommerce V2 API for use in Python projects or via the Python shell.
- Python 2.6+
A valid API key is required to authenticate requests. To grant API access for user, go to Control Panel > Users > Edit User and make sure that the 'Enable the XML API?' checkbox is ticked.
from Bigcommerce.api import ApiClient
filters = api.Products.filters()
# List 10 products starting at offset 10
for product in api.Products.enumerate(start=10, limit=10, query=filters):
print, product.sku,, product.price
# How to update a resource
product = api.Products.get(14)
print, product.sku, = "My New Product"
product.images[1].is_thumbnail = True
- All urls to resources are inferred from an initial call to API
- Enumerate multiple pages of resources with "start" and "limit" parameters
- Filtering
- Inflates SubResource objects on demand (ex: listing the products in an order)
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s[%(name)s] %(message)s',
datefmt='%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
order = api.Orders.get(121000980)
print "Order",, order.date_created
for product in order.products:
print product.quantity,
11/14 02:38:24 DEBUG [bc_api] GET /api/v2/orders/121000980
11/14 02:38:25 DEBUG [bc_api] GET /api/v2/orders/121000980 status 200
11/14 02:38:25 DEBUG [bc_api] GET /api/v2/orders/121000980/products?limit=50&page=1
11/14 02:38:25 DEBUG [bc_api] GET /api/v2/orders/121000980/products?limit=50&page=1 status 200
11/14 02:38:25 DEBUG [bc_api] GET /api/v2/orders/121000980/products?limit=50&page=2
11/14 02:38:25 DEBUG [bc_api] GET /api/v2/orders/121000980/products?limit=50&page=2 status 204
Order 121000980 Fri, 09 Nov 2012 18:55:43 +0000
1 Navy Blue Scrub Bottoms
1 Navy Blue Scrub Tops
1 Hampton Cotton Polo
Note: The count urls are not always accurate, so I enumerate until I hit a HTTP 204 Response.
Information about BigCommerce Resources is specified in the ResourceObjects. These objects also serve as the classes that will be inflated with the results of a query on that resource type.
ResourceObjects are intended to specify:
- SubResource Types (automatic API calls to inflate sub resources)
- Available filters and types
- Read-Only fields (for error checking)
- Fields required for create and update
from . import ResourceObject
from Brands import Brands
import SubResources
class Products(ResourceObject):
sub_resources = Mapping(brand = Mapping(
klass = Brands,
single = True),
configurable_fields = Mapping(),
custom_fields = Mapping(),
discount_rules = Mapping(),
downloads = Mapping(),
images = Mapping(),
options = Mapping(klass = SubResources.ProductOptions),
option_set = Mapping(klass = SubResources.OptionSets, single=True),
rules = Mapping(),
skus = Mapping(klass = SubResources.SKU),
tax_class = Mapping(),
videos = Mapping(),
def filter_set(cls):
return FilterSet(min_id = NumberFilter( info="Minimum id of the product" ),
max_id = NumberFilter( info="Minimum id of the product" ),
name = StringFilter( info="The product name" ),
sku = StringFilter(),
description = StringFilter(),
condition = StringFilter(),
availability = StringFilter(),
brand_id = NumberFilter(),
min_date_created = DateFilter(),
max_date_created = DateFilter(),
min_date_modified = DateFilter(),
max_date_modified = DateFilter(),
min_date_last_imported = DateFilter(),
max_date_last_imported = DateFilter(),
min_inventory_level = NumberFilter(),
max_inventory_level = NumberFilter(),
is_visible = BoolFilter(),
is_featured = BoolFilter(),
min_price = NumberFilter(),
max_price = NumberFilter(),
min_number_sold = NumberFilter(),
max_number_sold = NumberFilter(),