Laravel Database Informix is a Laravel Framework package designed to seamlessly integrate with the Informix Database Driver. It extends Illuminate/Database and works smoothly with the latest versions of Laravel. Tested on Laravel 10 and 11.
This work is inspired by the repository:
Before installing this package, make sure you have the Informix SDK installed on your system. The Informix SDK is required for communication with the Informix database. You can download the SDK from the official IBM website.
Additionally, you'll need to ensure that the PDO Informix extension is compiled and installed in your PHP environment. This extension provides the necessary functionality for PHP to communicate with Informix databases. You can find more information about the PDO Informix extension here.
For simplified installation of the Informix SDK and PDO extension, check out the scripts available in this repository.
To include Laravel-database-informix in your project, run the following command:
composer require jturazzi/laravel-database-informix
After Composer has finished installing the package, you'll need to register Informix DB.
Go to config/app.php, find the providers packages array, and add:
* Package Service Providers...
Go to bootstrap/providers.php and add:
return [
Finally, publish the configuration file with the following Artisan command:
php artisan vendor:publish
This command will duplicate the configuration file into config/informix.php.
Configure the Informix database connection details in this file.
We welcome community contributions. Fork, make changes, submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.