Quickly and easily access any RESTful or RESTful-like API.
If you are looking for the SendGrid API client library, please see this repo.
All updates to this project is documented in our CHANGELOG.
To use CSharp.HTTP.Client in your C# project, you can either download the SendGrid C# .NET libraries directly from our Github repository or, if you have the NuGet package manager installed, you can grab them automatically.
PM> Install-Package SendGrid.CSharp.Http.Client
Once you have the library properly referenced in your project, you can include calls to them in your code. For a sample implementation, check the Example folder.
Add the following namespace to use the library:
using SendGrid.CSharp.HTTP.Client;
Here is a quick example:
GET /your/api/{param}/call
using SendGrid.CSharp.HTTP.Client;
globalRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer XXXXXXX");
dynamic client = new Client(host: baseUrl, requestHeaders: globalRequestHeaders);
POST /your/api/{param}/call
with headers, query parameters and a request body with versioning.
using SendGrid.CSharp.HTTP.Client;
globalRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer XXXXXXX");
dynamic client = new Client(host: baseUrl, requestHeaders: globalRequestHeaders);
string queryParams = "{'Hello': 0, 'World': 1}";
requestHeaders.Add("X-Test", "test");
string requestBody = "{'some': 1, 'awesome': 2, 'data': 3}";
var response = client.your.api._(param).call.post(requestBody: requestBody,
queryParams: queryParams,
requestHeaders: requestHeaders)
If you are intersted in the future direction of this project, please take a look at our milestones. We would love to hear your feedback.
We encourage contribution to our projects, please see our CONTRIBUTING guide for details.
Quick links:
We were inspired by the work done on birdy and universalclient.
csharp-http-client is guided and supported by the SendGrid Developer Experience Team.
csharp-http-client is maintained and funded by SendGrid, Inc. The names and logos for csharp-http-client are trademarks of SendGrid, Inc.
![SendGrid Logo] (https://uiux.s3.amazonaws.com/2016-logos/email-logo%402x.png)