Provides LDAP password authentication for an existing ASP.NET Core Identity user store via an LDAP bind. I created this for a project I'm working on with a very basic need, so it is not an exchaustive provider by any means.
- LDAP password authentication via a custom UserManager against any existing UserManager/UserStore combination.
- Does not (yet) provide an LDAP based UserStore implementation.
- Does not support password changes or resets.
- Full implementation of IUserStore and applicable interfaces around LDAP.
- NETStandard 1.6.0
- Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard 2.3.6
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity 1.0.1
Setup ASP.NET Identity Core
Install the NuGet Package
Install-Package -Pre Justin.AspNetCore.LdapAuthentication
Create LdapAuth settings in appsettings.json:
"LdapAuth": {
"Hostname": "<<ldap server host name goes here>>",
"Port": 389,
"Domain": "<<optional domain name goes here>>"
Configure options and the custom User Manager in Startup before Identity:
// You can use services.AddLdapAuthentication(setupAction => {...}) to configure the
// options manually instead of loading the configuration from Configuration.
// Add the custom user manager.
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>()
Use the normal sign-in method, and it will valid the user's passwod via an LDAP bind.
result = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, model.RememberMe, lockoutOnFailure: true);
By default, the result of the user store GetNormalizedUserNameAsync() method on the UserStore as the value for the distguished name when performing an LDAP bind. You can customize this by implementing a custom user store and the interface Justin.AspNetCore.LdapAuthentication.IUserLdapStore, which provides a GetDistinguishedNameAsync method that will be used instead of the normalized username.