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Client side Renderer

Spydr edited this page Jun 10, 2023 · 15 revisions


Aeonetica features an OpenGL-based 2D general purpose renderer as the main part of the client application.


  1. Basic Usage
  2. Textures
  3. Shaders
  4. Material Systemngs
  5. Custom Render Pipeline
  6. Advanced Features
  7. Internal Workings

1. Basic Usage

1.1 Layers

In the center of the whole rendering process stands the Renderer object. You can acquire an instance by implementing a Layer. Layers hold all data about the rendering process. They also handle window events and are responsible to decide which ClientHandles get drawn.

A basic layer implementation may look like this:

// mods/mymod/src/
use aeonetica_client::renderer::{Renderer, Layer};
use aeoneitca_engine::math::camrea::Camera;

struct MyLayer {

impl Layer for MyLayer {
    fn instanciate_camera(&self) -> Camera {
        // create a Camera instance
        // Example: give this camera a field of view of 48 horizontal and 27 vertical (16:9 aspect ratio)
        // and align the coordinate center to the center of the screen
        Camera::new(-24.0, 24.0, -13.5, 13.5, -1.0, 1.0)

Optionally, you can implement the following functions to access more functionality:

// in mods/mymod/src/
// ...

impl Layer for MyLayer {
    // ...

    // run once on layer creation, initialize you rendering data and settings here. 
    fn attach(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer) {}

    // run once on client exit
    fn quit(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer) {}

    // run once every frame before rendering to update the camera position, roatation or FOV
    fn update_camera(&mut self, store: &mut DataStore, camera: &mut Camera, delta_time: f64) {}

    // run once every frame before ClientHandles receive their render call
    fn pre_handles_update(&mut self, store: &mut DataStore, renderer: &mut Renderer, delta_time: f64) {}

    // run once every frame after ClientHandles have received their render call
    fn post_handles_update(&mut self, store: &mut DataStore, renderer: &mut Renderer, delta_time: f64) {}

    // run on window event; return if the event was processed
    fn event(&mut self, event: &Event, store: &mut DataStore) -> bool { false|true }

    // set activeness of the layer, if the return value is false, the layer will no longer receive event and update calls
    fn active(&self) -> bool { true|false }

    // set the name of the layer, this is especially useful for debugging
    fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "MyLayer" }

    // check if the layer is marked as an overlay (UI layer)
    fn is_overlay(&self) -> bool { true|false }

1.2 Events

Window events are processed in the Layers event() function. The following events exist:

KeyPressed(KeyCode)             // emitted on keyboard key press, `KeyCode` denotes the pressed key.
KeyReleased(KeyCode)            // emitted on keyboard key release, `KeyCode` denotes the released key.
MouseButtonPressed(MouseButton) // emitted on mouse button press
MouseButtonRelease(MouseButton) // emitted on mouse button release
MouseScrolled(Vector2<f32>)     // emitted on mouse scrolling, value denotes the amount that was scrolled, vertical and horizontal
MouseMoved(Vector2<f32>)        // emitted on mouse movement, value denotes the position of the mouse pointer relative to the window
WindowClose()                   // emitted on window close
WindowResize(Vector2<i32>)      // emitted on window resiye, value denotes the new window size in pixels

Note If an event was handled, return true from the event() function to mark the event as handled. This way it will not be processed further by other Layers.

1.3 VSync

VSync capabilites are provided by the underlying glfw3 windowing library. Set the command-line flag AEONETICA_VSYNC to 1 or TRUE to enable vsync.

On linux, running the client executable then looks like this:

$ AEONETICA_VSYNC=1 /path/to/client

On windows, you have to set the variable beforehand:

$ C:\...\path\to\client.exe

1.4 Renderable Objects

The easiest way of using the Aeonetica rendering system is via the so-called Renderable objects. The following objects are built-in by default:

Quad // draw quads and rectangles either with a flat color, a texture or a sprite.
Line // draw simple flat-colored lines
TextArea // draw simple, flat-colored strings of text
ParticleEmitter // basic particle system implementation, *WIP*

The Renderer interacts with Renderables using the following four functions:

// client/src/renderer/, in impl Renderer
fn add(renderer: &mut Renderer, item: &mut impl Renderable); // add an item to the render buffers
fn modify(renderer: &mut Renderer, item: &mut impl Renderable) -> ErrorResult<()>; // apply modifications of an item to the render buffers
fn draw(renderer: &mut Renderer, item: &mut impl Renderable) -> ErrorResult<()>; // add or modify an item as needed
fn remove(renderer: &mut Renderer, item: &mut impl Renderable); // remove an item from the render buffers

Example: creating a simple line and adding it to the renderer:

// mods/mymod/src/, in impl Layer for MyLayer, function attach()
// arguments: start position, end position, weight, z_index, color
// returns: Line
let mut line = Line::new(Vector2::new(0.0, 0.0), Vector2::new(20.0, 10.0), 0.1, 2, [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]);
renderer.add(&mut line);

Note Creating custom Renderable implementations is supported. See more in 6. Advanced Features

2. Textures

In the renderer, Textures are used to display images and text. In combination with a material supporting textures, they can be attached to most Renderable items. (e.g.: Creating a textured quad can be done using the type Quad<FlatTexture> with the with_texture or with_sprite constructor function.)

2.1 Basic Textures

In general, textures are represented using the Texture struct. Most renderer functions however will accept only the ID of the texture in the RenderID type. Use Texture::id() to receive this id.

Textures can be loaded from images either directly from a file:

fn from_file(image_path: &str) -> ErrorResult<Texture>;
// Example usage:
let texture = Texture::from_file("/your/image/path").expect("error loading image");

Or from a inline stream of bytes, best used in conjunction with include_bytes!():

fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> ErrorResult<Texture>;
// Example usage:
let texture = Texture::from_bytes(include_bytes!("your/image/path")).expect("error loading image");

Note For loading images, the only supported formats currently are rgba8 (32 bits) or rgb8 (24 bits).

Optionally, you can also create an empty texture:

fn create(size: Vector2<u32>, format: Format) -> Texture;
// Example usage:
let empty_texture = Texture::create(Vector2::new(64, 64), Format::RgbaU8);

In this function, format denotes the data type of the pixels. Supported data types are:

  • RgbaU8 32 bits, transparency, 4 channels, 8 bits per channel
  • RgbU8 24 bits, no transparency, 3 channels, 8 bits per channel
  • RgbF16 64 bits, transparency, 4 channels, 16 bits per channel

Writing data to a texture works via the Texture::set_data() method:

fn set_data(&Texture, data: &[u8]);
// example usage:
let texture = ...; // create texture here
let data = ...; // create image data here
let bytes = data.as_bytes(); // convert data to bytes (might be different depending on data type)

Note Textures may also be used as a render target. See under FrameBuffer in 5. Custom render Pipeline

2.2 Spritesheets

Since switching between many textures during rendering is slow, most games use so-called sprite-sheets to combine many sprites into a single big texture. By ordering all sprites in a fixed grid, you can access each one individually using the SpriteSheet wrapper around a simple Texture.

A correct sprite-sheet may look like this: sprite sheet

To create a SpriteSheet from a texture use:

fn from_texture(texture: Texture, sprite_size: Vector2<u32>) -> ErrorResult<SpriteSheet>;
// example usage
let texture = ...; // load texture here
let sprite_sheet = SpriteSheet::from_texture(texture, Vector2::new(16, 16)).expect("error creating sprite-sheet from texture");

The sprites now get indexed on the texture from left to right and up to down and can be retrieved using get():

fn get(&SpriteSheet, index: u32) -> Option<Sprite>;
// example usage
let sprite_sheet = ...; // create sprite-sheet here
let sprite = sprite_sheet.get(0 /*any valid sprite index*/).expect("error retrieving sprite 0");

Here, the successful return value is of type Sprite. This struct contains all important information for the renderer to know where and on which texture the sprite is located. To, for example, create a Quad using a sprite, use the with_sprite funcion:

fn with_sprite(position: Vector2<f32>, size: Vector2<f32>, z_index: u8, sprite: Sprite) -> Quad<FlatTexture>;
// example usage
let sprite = ...; // create sprite here
let quad = Quad::with_sprite(Vector2::new(0.0, 0.0), Vector2::new(1.0, 1.0), 0, sprite);

2.3 Bitmap Fonts

Working similar to sprite-sheets, aeonetica comes with a basic font renderer based on bitmap textures.

Note When referring to bitmap, we currently mean monochrome textures, as they still use the RgbaU8 layout right now. (subject to change)

For drawing text, you first need to load a font. Aeonetica fonts consist of two parts: The font texture and character lookup table. The character lookup table can either be a .ron (here renamed to .bmf) file or a simple Hashmap<char, u32>.

Example font texture:

font texture

Example font character lookup: (.bmf/.ron file)

// font.bmf
    texture: "<your font>.png",
    monospaced: false, // set to true if monospaced
    char_size: (5, 10), // monospaced character size, comparable to the sprite size
    characters: { // character lookup (ascii char and sprite index on the texture)
        "A":  0, "B":  1, "C":  2, "D":  3, "E":  4, "F":  5, "G":  6, "H":  7, "I":  8, "J":  9,
        "K": 10, "L": 11, "M": 12, "N": 13, "O": 14, "P": 15, "Q": 16, "R": 17, "S": 18, "T": 19,
        "U": 20, "V": 21, "W": 22, "X": 23, "Y": 24, "Z": 25,

        "a": 40, "b": 41, "c": 42, "d": 43, "e": 44, "f": 45, "g": 46, "h": 47, "i": 48, "j": 49,
        "k": 50, "l": 51, "m": 52, "n": 53, "o": 54, "p": 55, "q": 56, "r": 57, "s": 58, "t": 59,
        "u": 60, "v": 61, "w": 62, "x": 63, "y": 64, "z": 65,

        "0": 80, "1": 81, "2": 82, "3": 83, "4": 84, "5": 85, "6": 86, "7": 87, "8": 88, "9": 89,

        "(": 100, ")": 101, "[": 102, "]": 103, "{": 104, "}": 105, "#": 106, "'": 107, "`": 108, "´": 109,
       "\"": 110, "°": 111, "^": 112, "|": 113, ".": 114, ",": 115, ":": 116, ";": 117, "!": 118, "?": 119,
        "/": 120,"\\": 121, "*": 122, "+": 123, "-": 124, "<": 125, ">": 126, "~": 127, "@": 128, "&": 129,

        " ": 160

To now create a font from these files, use BitmapFont::from_texture_and_fontdata():

fn from_texture_and_fontdata(texture: Texture, fontdata: &str) -> ErrorResult<BitmapFont>;
// example usage:
let font_texture = ...; // load font texture here
let font = BitmapFont::from_texture_and_fontdata(font_texture, include_str!("/path/to/font.bmf")).expect("error generating bitmap font");

Drawing text is made easy via the TextArea Renderable implementation:

fn with_string<S: Into<String>>(position: Vector2<f32>, z_index: u8, font_size: f32, spacing: f32, font: Rc<BitmapFont>, material: Rc<FlatTexture>, string: S) -> TextArea<_, _>;
// example usage:
let font = Rc::new(...); // load font here
// generics allocate the buffer space for the renderer:
//   - first is the number of vertices, have to be exactly 4x the number of chars (compile-time checked)
//   - second is the number of characters
let mut text_area = TextArea::<48, 12>::with_string(Vector2::new(0.0, 0.0), 0, 10.0, 2.0, font, FlatTexture::get(), "Hello, World");
// adding the text_area to the renderer
let renderer = &mut ...; // retrieve renderer from somewhere
renderer.add(&mut text_area);

Note If the string is shorter than the allocated space, the rest will get filled with spaces. Make sure your texture provides a ' ' character!

3. Shaders

Shaders make out the central part of the rendering process. Shaders are little programs that run directly on your graphics card which determine the color of each individual pixel.

In aeonetica, shaders are written in the OpengGL Shading Language (GLSL).

References for learning GLSL:

Aeonetica supports two types of shaders: Vertex and Fragment shaders (see 3.1 / 3.2 respectively). Both shaders are located in the same source file. To differentiate between different shaders, tags are used to denote the start of a specific shader. The following tags are required to always be present in a shader source file:

  • #[vertex]: beginning of the vertex shader
  • #[fragment]: beginning of the fragment shader

You can however have an arbitrary amount of tags in your code, to add descriptions, longer comments, etc.

For example, the shader used in the built-in FlatColor material looks like this:

// client/assets/default-flat-color.glsl
default shader for the FlatColor material

#version 450 core

layout (location = 0) in vec2 a_Position;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 a_Color;

uniform mat4 u_ViewProjection;

out vec4 v_Color;

void main() {
    v_Color = a_Color;
    gl_Position = u_ViewProjection * vec4(a_Position, 0.0, 1.0);

#version 450 core

in vec4 v_Color;

layout (location = 0) out vec4 r_Color;

void main() {
    r_Color = v_Color;

3.1 Vertex Shaders

Vertex Shaders get run once per vertex, so per point in space (for example, a normal quad has 4 vertices). Its task is to accept all data from the vertex attributes, usually set by the used material and to output the correct position for the vertex to lie on by applying the camera's projection matrix.

Aeonetica provides support for the following vertex attribute data types by default:

Name rust type GLSL type Usage
Vertex [f32; 2] vec2 2D points in space
TexCoord [f32; 2] vec2 2D point on a texture
Color [f32; 4] vec4 RGBA color in fp-representation
TextureID Sampler2D(0) int OpenGL texture slot (0..16)
Float f32 float Single-presicion floating-point number

You can add more types to this list by implementing the ShaderLayoutType trait.

Note Sampler2D(0) types will get filled automatically by the renderer. So just create a value using default-zero: Sampler2D(0)

3.2 Fragment Shaders

Fragments Shaders get executed after the vertex shader once per pixel. Its task is to calculate the correct color value for the current pixel using data provided via uniforms, the vertex shader or textures. You can also program it to calculate lighting, water effects and much more.

Note: Keep in mind that this shader runs once for every pixel. This means this part of the code has to be especially performant. If possible, precompute all possible values on the CPU or in the vertex shader.

3.3 Using Shaders

In code, shaders are represented using the shader::Program struct. To create an instance of it, use the from_source() function:

fn from_source(src: &str) -> ErrorResult<shader::Program>;
// example usage
let shader = shader::Program::from_source(include_str!("/path/to/your/shader.glsl")).expect("error loading shader");

Shaders like this are best used in conjunction with a Material. See 4. Material System for more information.

Shader Uniforms are variables in the shader code separate from vertex attributes that can be uploaded from the CPU to the GPU at any time. To do this, use the upload_uniform() function:

fn upload_uniform<U: Uniform + ?Sized>(&self, name: &UniformStr, data: &U);
// example usage
const UNIFORM_NAME: UniformStr = uniform_str!("u_YourUniformName") // special null-byte-terminated string for identifying uniform variables

let shader = ...; // load/get shader here
let value = ...; // assign uniform value
shader.bind(); // don't forget this!
shader.upload_uniform(&UNIFORM_NAME, &value);
shader.unbind(); // optional, omit if not needed for better performance

Naming schemes:

While not enforced, we advise you to use the following naming scheme within your shader code to keep it inline with other aeonetica shader code:

Generally, all constants are in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, local variables in snake_case and global variables in PascalCase with one of the following prefixes:

Prefix Meaning/Usage
a_ Vertex Attribute
v_ Passthrough value between vertex and fragment shaders
u_ Uniform variables
r_ Final fragment shader output result variables

3.4 Postprocessing Shaders

Another use for shaders apart from drawing geometry is the post-processing step. This step takes a single big texture with all geometry pre-rendered and outputs it to another texture or buffer. This way you can add nice visual effects like bloom, blur, distortion, etc.

Post processing shaders always accept the following vertex attributes:

// in #[vertex]
layout (location = 0) in vec2 a_Position;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 a_FrameCoord;

There are two ways a post-processing shader may be realized:

1. PostProcessingLayer

The PostProcessingLayer is the easiest way of creating a post processing shader. Simply create an implementation of the PostProcessingLayer trait:

struct MyPostProcessingLayer {
    // struct data

impl MyPostProcessingLayer {
    fn new() -> Self { Self { } } // initialize here

impl PostProcessingLayer for MyPostProcessingLayer {
    fn attach(&self) { /* run on layer attachment */ }
    fn detach(&self) { /* run on layer detachment */ }
    fn enabled(&self) -> bool { true|false /* is the layer enabled? */ }
    fn post_processing_shader(&self) -> &shader::Program { /* provide your desired shader here */ }

Alternatively, you can also implement uniforms() to set custom shader uniform variables:

const MY_UNIFORM_NAME: UniformStr = uniform_str!("u_MyUniform");

// in impl PostProcessingLayer fro MyPostProcessingLayer
fn uniforms<'a>(&self) -> &'a[(&'a UniformStr, &'a dyn Uniform)] { 
    &[(MY_UNIFORM_NAME, 3.14), ...] /* return uniform names and values here */

A post-processing layer, similar to a standard Layer implementation, can be applied using the set_post_processing_layer() function of the RenderContext struct. Do this in the client mod's start() function:

fn set_post_processing_layer(&mut RenderContext, post_processing_layer: Rc<dyn PostProcessingLayer>);
// example usage:
// in start() in impl ClientMod for MyModClient

Note This way, the post-processing shader's fragment-shader has to provide a u_Frame texture uniform:

uniform sampler2D u_Frame;

2. In a FrameBuffer's draw() function:

Another, way of rendering with a post-processing shader is via Framebuffers. The FrameBuffer struct provides a draw() function accepting a shader:

fn render<const N: usize>(&FrameBuffer, texture_attachments: [(usize, &UniformStr); N], target: &Target, shader: &shader::Program);
// example usage
const TEXTURE_ATTACHMENT0_UNIFORM_NAME: UniformStr = uniform_str!("u_Frame"); // change this to the accepting uniform name in the shader
let target = ...; // get your render target here (framebuffer or raw)
let shader = ...; // get your post-processing shader here
let fb_to_draw = ...; // get your source framebuffer here -> has to have at least one color attachment

fb_to_draw.draw([(0, &TEXTURE_ATTACHMENT0_UNIFORM_NAME)], &target, &shader);

Note look into 5. Custom Render Pipeline for more information about FrameBuffers.

4. Material System

As you probably noticed, working with raw shaders is a bit complicated. To make using shaders with different Renderable items easy, Aeonetica comes with its own material system to provide a unified system for shaders and shader vertex attribute layouts, as well as other shader data handling.

4.1 Builtin Materials

The following two materials are already built-in:

  • FlatColor draw shapes with a simple, static color
  • FlatTexture draw shapes with a simple, static texture or sprite

Using those materials with Renderable objects is made especially easy, since they provide custom wrapper functions for an initializer.

Creating a simple textured quad can be achieved using the with_texture() function:

fn with_texture(position: Vector2<f32>, size: Vector2<f32>, z_index: u8, texture: RenderID) -> Quad<FlatTexture>;
// example usage
let texture = ...; // load texture here
let quad = Quad::with_texture(Vector2::new(0.0, 0.0), Vector2::new(10.0, 10.0), 0,;

Note This also applies to sprites and FlatColor. The following functions exist for Quad:

fn with_sprite(position: Vector2<f32>, size: Vector2<f32>, z_index: u8, sprite: Sprite) -> Quad<FlatTexture>;
fn with_color(position: Vector2<f32>, size: Vector2<f32>, z_index: u8, color: [f32; 4]) -> Quad<FlatColor>;

Usually, it's best to keep materials as singletons (keeping them on one instance) to keep the best possible performance. Therefore, both FlatColor and FlatTexture feature a get() function:

fn get() -> Rc<FlatColor>;
fn get() -> Rc<FlatTexture>;
// example usage:
let texture_material = FlatTexture::get();

You can, however, create custom instances with your own shader using the with_shader() function:

fn with_shader(shader: Rc<shader::Program>) -> FlatColor;
fn with_shader(shader: Rc<shader::Program>) -> FlatTexture;
// example usage:
let texture_shader = Rc::new(...); // get your shader here
let texture_material = FlatTexture::with_shader(texture_shader);

This is especially useful when dealing with Renderable implementations, that don't support all materials, e.g:

  • Line supports only FlatColor
  • TextArea supports only FlatTexture

4.2 Custom Materials

Creating custom materials is possible too by simply implementing the Material trait:

struct MyMaterial {
    shader: Rc<shader::Program>

impl Material for MyMaterial {
    type Layout = ...;               // buffer layout in the form of `BufferLayoutBuilder`
    type Data<const N: usize> = ...; // vertex data (not including vertices!) with a given length N
    type VertexTuple = ...;          // actual vertex attribute layout used by the shader in `VertexTupleN<...>` representation

    fn shader(&self) -> &Rc<shader::Program> { &self.shader } // shader getter
    fn texture_id<const N: usize>(data: &Self::Data<N>) -> Option<RenderID> { ... } // return `Some(texture_id)` if your vertex attributes support textures
    fn layout<'a>() -> &'a Rc<BufferLayout>  { ... } // return the built BufferLayout instance
    fn vertices<const N: usize>(&self, vertices: [[f32; 2]; N], data: &Self::Data<N>) -> [Self::VertexTuple; N] { ... } // combine both vertex points and data together
    fn data_slice<const N: usize, const NN: usize>(&self, data: &Self::Data<N>, offset: usize) -> Self::Data<NN> { ... } // return a slice of a `Data<N>` variable of length `NN`

    fn default_data<const N: usize>(&self) -> Self::Data<N>; // return a pre-filled default value of `Data<N>`

Note See client/src/renderer/material/ for example implementations.

To be able to use your custom material easily, with, for example, Quad, you may define a custom trait to expand the default constructor function:

trait WitMyMaterial {
    fn with_my_material(position: Vector2<f32>, size: Vector2<f32>, z_index: u8, my_material_data: ...) -> Self;

impl WithMyMaterial for Quad<MyMaterial> {
    fn with_my_material(position: Vector2<f32>, size: Vector2<f32>, z_index: u8, my_material_data: ...) -> Self {
        Self::new(position, size, z_index, MyMaterial::get() /* implement a get() method */, (
            // insert your material's data here (colors, textures, etc.)

Note For the material's get() function, it is best to use the DataStore type to avoid duplication by multiple mod references!

5. Custom Render Pipeline

The render pipeline describes the process the renderer takes to generate the final image. The default pipeline is quite basic and looks like this:

fn pipeline(&mut DefaultPipeline, renderer: &mut Renderer, camera: &Camera, target: &Target, mut updater: LayerUpdater, time: Time) {
    renderer.begin_scene(camera);   // begin the renderer scene -> apply camera transformations
    updater.update(renderer, time); // update the scene
    renderer.draw_vertices(target); // draw all submitted vertices
    renderer.end_scene();           // end the renderer scene

5.1 Implementing a Pipeline

For many visual effects however, it is necessary to have a few more steps in the rendering process. For this case, you can implement the Pipeline struct, which provides a single function pipeline():

struct MyPipeline;

impl Pipeline for MyPipeline {
    fn pipeline(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer, camera: &Camera, target: &Target, mut updater: LayerUpdater, time: Time) {
        // your rendering pipeline code here

Here, you can utilize features like framebuffers, stencils and other OpengGL functionality.

In this code, there are two structs of interest:

1. Target:

Target is an enum defined like this:

enum Target<'a> {
    FrameBuffer(&'a FrameBuffer)

It defines a specific target the renderer renders to. Raw represents the default framebuffer of the window and is rarely used. FrameBuffer() points to a specific FrameBuffer used as the target.

2. LayerUpdater:

LayerUpdater is a small struct with the only purpose of calling the update methods in all activated Layers and ClientHandles. Use the .update() for this purpose. You can also access other parameters, like the DataStore via this struct:

fn update(&mut LayerUpdater<'_>, renderer: &mut Renderer, time: Time);
fn store<'a>(&mut LayerUpdater<'a>) -> &mut &'a mut DataStore;

5.2 Framebuffers

Framebuffers are a combination of textures, buffers and stencils that can be used as a target to render to.

Note Aeonetica has a few built-in FrameBuffers for scaling the canvas. All of these buffers have a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels.

A framebuffer can be created using its new() function:

fn new<const N: usize>(attachments: [Attachment; N], freestanding: bool) -> ErrorResult<FrameBuffer>;
// example usage:
let frame_buffer = FrameBuffer::new(
        Attachment::Color(Texture::create(Vector2::new(1920, 1080)))
    ], true
).expect("error creating FrameBuffer");
  • attachments is an array of features you'd like the FrameBuffer to support:

    • Color is a standard color attachment used as a target renderer texture. It takes a texture as its argument. At least one color attachment is required per FrameBuffer!
    • DepthStencil takes a RenderBuffer used as the depth and stencil buffer at the same time. This is used when layering 3D graphics and is generally supported by default in Aeonetica.
    • (...)
  • if true, freestanding allows the framebuffer to be rendered without any other geometry, or the Renderer struct using the FrameBuffer's render() function:

    fn render<const N: usize>(&FrameBuffer, texture_attachments: [(usize, &UniformStr); N], target: &Target, shader: &shader::Program);
    // example usage:
    const COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_NAME: UniformStr = uniform_str!("u_YourUniformName"); // name of the uniform the color attachment gets uploaded to in the shader
    let target = ...; // get your render target here
    let shader = ...; // get your shader here
    let frame_buffer = ...; // get your source framebuffer here
    frame_buffer.render([0usize, &COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_NAME], &target, &shader);

    In this example, the framebuffer was instructed to upload its first color attachment to the shader uniform u_YourUniformName for drawing. You can have and draw as many color attachments as you like by simply expanding the array.

To set a framebuffer as the render target, bind it using the bind() function. To unbind the framebuffer, use unbind():

fn bind(&FrameBuffer);
fn unbind(&FrameBuffer);
// example usage:
let frame_buffer = ...;
// do rendering here
// do sth with the framebuffer

To delete a framebuffer, use the delete() function.

5.3 Renderbuffers

Renderbuffers are used as a storage space for the DepthStencil attachment in framebuffers. To create a RenderBuffer, use the new() function:

fn new(size: Vector2<u32>) -> ErrorResult<RenderBuffer>;
// example usage:
let render_buffer = RenderBuffer::new(Vector2::new(1920, 1080)).expect("error creating renderbuffer");

Renderbuffers also support binding (bind()), unbinding (unbind()) and deletion (delete()).

6. Advanced Features

In this chapter you will find more advanced rendering functions only used rarely.

6.1 Custom Renderable implementations

By implementing the Renderable trait for a struct, you can make it compatible with Aeoneticas rendering system. A typical implementation may look like this:

Note This is pseudo-code! Use the shapes defined in client/src/renderer/builtin as a reference.

struct MyShape {
    position: Vector2<f32>,
    z_index: u8,
    // other setting values here, like size, rotation, etc.

    material: Rc<impl Material>, // either make the material generic or define a fixed material made to use with your shape
    vertices: Option<[Material::VertexTuple; N /* for quads, this is 4 */]>,
    params: Material::Data<N /* same as above */>,

    location: Option<VertexLocation>

const MY_SHAPE_INDICES: [u32; X /* for quads, this is 6 */] = [...]; // indices describe the order in which the vertices get drawn, for quads this is 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0

impl MyShape {
    pub fn new(/* constructor arguments */) -> Self {
        // constructor here

    pub fn set_dirty(&mut self) {
        self.vertices = None;

    pub fn set_position(&mut self, position: Vector2<f32>) {
        self.position = position;
        self.set_dirty(); // set dirty so the changes in the values can be applied to the vertices

     * Other getters and setters here

    fn recalculate_vertex_data(&mut self) {
        self.vertices = Some(self.material.vertices(
                // insert all vertices (points in space) here that make up your shape. They are expected in the [f32; 2] array type.

// actual `Renderable` implementation:
impl Renderable for MyShape {
    fn vertex_data(&mut self) -> VertexData<'_> {
        if self.is_dirty() {

        let  vertices = self.vertices.as_ref().unwrap();

        VertexData::from_materil::<Material, N /* insert your material and number of vertices here */>(

    fn texture_id(&self) -> Option<crate::renderer::RenderID> {
        None|Some(texture) // if you have a texture bound to your shape, return its RenderID here

    fn location(&self) -> &Option<VertexLocation> {

    fn set_location(&mut self, location: Option<VertexLocation>) {
        self.location = location;

    fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool {

    fn has_location(&self) -> bool {

Note Different to, for example position, some values, like z_index or the number of vertices/indices cannot be changed at runtime. Do this before object creation.

7. Internal Workings

This chapter focuses more on the implementation rather than the usage of the renderer.

7.1 Code Layout

The whole renderer is implemented in the client/src/renderer folder (in rust, the aeonetica_client::renderer module):

Default Shaders:

  • client/assets/default-shader.glsl default post-processing shader
  • client/assets/flat-color-shader.glsl default shader for FlatColor materials
  • client/assets/flat-texture-shader.glsl default shader for FlatTexture materials


  • client/assets/logo-XXX.png used as the main window icon available in four resolutions (15px, 30px, 60px and 120px)

Mathematic utilities:

  • engine/src/math
    • engine/src/math/vector implementations of the generic vector types Vector2 and Vector3
    • engine/src/math/ implementaiton of the viewport Camera struct
    • engine/src/math/ implementation of the generic 4x4 matrix type Matrix4

Other utilities:

  • engine/src/collections/ an implementation of a fixed value order HashMap
  • engine/src/util/ implementation of compile-time generic assertion via data types (used in TextArea)

Main implementation:

  • client/src/renderer

    • OpenGL utility wrapper functions around glViewport, glScissor and glPolygonMode
    • Definition of the Pipeline trait and implementation of DefaultPipeline
    • OpenGL error handler
    • Definition of the Layer trait and associated utilites
    • Definition of the batch renderer
    • Definition of RenderContext, tasked with dispatching events and handling layers
    • Implementation of the main renderer frontend
  • client/src/renderer/window

    • Definition of window events
    • Wrapper around the glfw3 library, most basic wrapper around draw- and event callbacks
  • client/src/renderer/texture

    • Defintion of the BitmapFont system
    • Definition of the SpriteSheet system
    • Texture wrapper and image loader
  • client/src/renderer/shader

    • & Used for interaction between shader and rust data types.
    • Implementation of PostProcessingLayer
    • Shader wrapper and loader
  • client/src/renderer/material/ Material system and both builtin materials

  • client/src/renderer/builtin Implementations of basic Renderable items, like Quad, Line, TextArea and ParticleEmitter (WIP!)

  • client/src/renderer/buffer

    • Wrapper around OpenGL frame buffers
    • Wrapper around OpenGL render buffers
    • Wrapper around OpenGL vertex arrays, handles vertex attributes
    • Basic general-purpose OpenGL buffer implementation containing utilities to programmatically define the BufferLayout