Helm charts for deployment of NPWG implementations and ancillary tools
Refer Helm Quickstart Guide and Installation Guide
Helm charts are generally structured like an example below:
$ tree multus/
|-- charts
|-- Chart.yaml
|-- templates
| |-- clusterRoleBinding.yaml
| |-- clusterRole.yaml
| |-- configMap.yaml
| |-- customResourceDefinition.yaml
| |-- daemonSet.yaml
| |-- _helpers.tpl
| |-- NOTES.txt
| |-- serviceAccount.yaml
|-- values.yaml
The templates/
directory is for template files. When Helm evaluates a chart, it will send all of the files in the templates/ directory through the template rendering engine. It then collects the results of those templates and sends them on to Kubernetes.
The values.yaml
file is important to templates and contains the default values for a chart. These values may be overridden by users during helm install or helm upgrade.
The Chart.yaml
file contains a description of the chart. You can access it from within a template.
- Kubelet configured to use CNI
- Charts have been tested with Kubernetes version >= 1.16
- Helm is deployed on the sever. Refer installation guide for more details.
- Helm charts have been downloaded on server from git repository
Your Kubelet(s) must be configured to run with the CNI network plugin. Please see Kubernetes document for CNI for more details.
To configure a helm chart, you need to configure some parameters as per your environment. To make such adjustments, please check values.yaml
. The following configurations might need some adjustments based on your environment:
- Multus image parameters
registry: docker.io
repository: nfvpe/multus
tag: v3.4
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- Node Selector Labels
kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
- Multus configuration parameters
name: multus-cni-network
type: multus
kubeconfig: /etc/cni/net.d/multus.d/multus.kubeconfig
cniVersion: 0.3.1
confDir: /etc/cni/net.d
cniDir: /var/lib/cni/multus
binDir: /opt/cni/bin
logFile: /var/log/multus.log
logLevel: panic
portMappings: true
readinessindicatorfile: ""
namespaceIsolation: false
clusterNetwork: k8s-pod-network
defaultNetwork: []
delegates: []
systemNamespaces: ["kube-system"]
- Multus pod resources
enabled: false
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "250m"
memory: "1024Mi"
cpu: "2000m"
Once the parameters are configured per the environment, you can install Multus helm chart with following steps:
$ cd helm-charts/
$ helm install choice-unlimited ./multus
You can check your environment for appropriate deployment of Multus:
$ kubectl get all -A | grep choice-unlimited
kube-system pod/choice-unlimited-multus-ds-fxsl7 1/1 Running 0 39h
kube-system pod/choice-unlimited-multus-ds-qvcsj 1/1 Running 0 39h
kube-system daemonset.apps/choice-unlimited-multus-ds 2 2 2 2 2 kubernetes.io/arch=amd64 39h
$ kubectl get cm -A | grep choice-unlimited
kube-system choice-unlimited-multus-0.1.0-config 1 39h
$ kubectl get crd | grep network-attachment
network-attachment-definitions.k8s.cni.cncf.io 2020-03-29T00:07:09Z
Ensure that these pods are in running
state. One can additionally check forcreation of following files:
- /etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.cfg
- /etc/cni/net.d/multus.d/multus.kubeconfig
- /opt/cni/bin/multus
- files under /var/lib/cni/multus/
- log file created per path mentioned in configuration
At this stage, try creating a pod and you should be able to see the networking through using the default/clusterNetwork. One can now add other CNIs and enable the pods to be connected to those using network-attachment-defintions. An example is shown below for addition of SR-IOV CNI which shall also create SR-IOV CNI related network attachment defintions.
- Kubelet configured to use CNI
- Charts have been tested with Kubernetes version >= 1.16
- Helm is deployed on the sever. Refer installation guide for more details.
- Helm charts have been downloaded on server from git repository
- Compute servers are configured for sriov configuration
- Virtual functions are configured on respective NIC cards and are bind with appropriate driver
Your Kubelet(s) must be configured to run with the CNI network plugin. Please see Kubernetes document for CNI for more details.
To configure a helm chart, you need to configure some parameters as per your environment. To make such adjustments, please check values.yaml
. The following configurations might need some adjustments based on your environment:
- SR-IOV CNI image parameters
registry: docker.io
repository: nfvpe/sriov-cni
tag: v2.2
repository: nfvpe/sriov-device-plugin
tag: v3.1
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- Node selector labels
kubernetes.io/arch: amd64
- Configuration with apprrpriate resource list. The code herein assumes that the virtual functions 8-31 on interfaces enp67s0f0 and enp68s0f0 are bind with VFIO driver.
cnibin: "/host/opt/cni/bin"
deviceSock: "/var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/"
log: "/var/log"
configVolume: "/etc/pcidp/config.json"
- resourceName: intel_sriov_netdevice
- '8086'
- 154c
- 10ed
- i40evf
- ixgbevf
- resourceName: intel_sriov_dpdk
- '8086'
- 154c
- 10ed
- vfio-pci
- enp67s0f1#8-31
- enp68s0f0#8-31
- Creation fo appropriate charts
serviceAccount: true
configMap_sriov_device_plugin: true
daemonSet_sriov_device_plugin: true
daemonSet_sriov_cni: true
net_attach_def_netdev: true
net_attach_def_dpdk: true
test_netdevice: true
test_dpdk: true
One can disable the creation of network attachment definitions and test pods by setting value false
in configuration above. At this stage, you can create more network-attachment-definitions and pods for SR-IOV according to your environment.
Finally, we have seen how to deploy Multus and SR-IOV CNI using helm charts. Post deployment of each of these charts, the output shows the components deployed as part of helm deployment. It also states the steps to uninstall the helm charts in the environment.