Mostly fiddling around trying to learn the ropes, but I have a soft spot for this kind of syntax, so I'll be probably rolling it in any of my real projects, if I ever get to them.
So, purely for fucking around and teaching myself how to handle macros,
create libraries (I know the R7RS
lib spec is a bit different, but not
different enough to undo all I picked up.)
(lazar fn-lambda)
- SML-reminiscient anonymous
- SML-reminiscient anonymous
(lazar est)
- OCaml-like
/let rec
-syntax forlet*
- OCaml-like
(lazar case-with)
- SML-like syntax sugared
that should do pattern matching too somewhere in the future.
- SML-like syntax sugared
(lazar basic-syntax)
- math / Coq / Haskell-inspired notation for some miscellaneous functions and macros.
(lazar cxr)
-style abbreviations tohd
format (ie.h:hd
(lazar contracts)
- SML-inspired rework of Linus Björnstam's contracts for function definition.
- SML-like syntax
car := hd
cdr := tl
cadr := h:tl
cadar := h:t:hd
cons := ::
cons* := ::*
- unicode logic symbols, and some of their ascii equivalents to use
#t := ⊤, true
#f := ⊥, false
and := /\, ∧, ⋀
or := \/, ∨, ⋁
not := ¬
( ... )
'() := Ø
(not '()) := ¯
- define with contracts (with
(define/c (<proc-name> ((<param> : <type>) ...) -> <return-type>) body ... )
- and for single parameter/variable-cases:
(define/c (<proc-name> (<param> : <type>) -> <return-type>) body ... )
- Types to contract include at the very least:
any boolean (easy to construct your own type). Example of this seen below.
x -
x -
, a', α- etc.
Defining new contract/type/predicate:
(define (Natural n)
(and (exact? n) (ℤ n) (>= n 0)))
- sugared cond, much like the one found in Standard ML.
- nb.
is purely sugar andcase-with
functions just as well without it.
- nb.
(case-with || <clause> => <expr>
|| <clause> => <expr> ...
|| else => <expr>)
- Example of
on a Little Schemer -fame function:
(define/c (rember ((x : α) (ys : List)) -> List)
(case-with || (Ø? ys) => Ø
|| (= x (hd ys)) => (tl ys)
|| else => (:: (hd ys) (rember x (tl ys)))))
- SML-inspired lambda notation.
- Without the auxilliary
, it handles one variable, marked with underscore.
- Without the auxilliary
((λ x y z => (+ x y z)) 20 19 3)
;; indices should start at 1 goddamnit
(define/c (ι (n : ℕ) -> List)
(map (λ (+ _ 1)) (iota n)))
works like a quick let* and letrec*-closure.rec
marking the following definition as a recursable from the closure.
(define/c (rev (xs : List) -> List)
(ε rec aux
(λ x y =>
(case-with || (Ø? x) => y
|| else => (aux (tl x) (:: (hd x) y))))
in (aux xs Ø)))
Funnily enough Emacs handles indentation of all this relatively well
#scheme @ freenode