Package yaml provides a parser, linter, formatter and compiler for the drone configuration file format.
Lint the yaml file:
$ drone-yaml lint samples/simple.yml
Format the yaml file:
$ drone-yaml fmt samples/simple.yml
$ drone-yaml fmt samples/simple.yml --save
Sign the yaml file using a 32-bit secret key:
$ drone-yaml sign 642909eb4c3d47e33999235c0598353c samples/simple.yml
$ drone-yaml sign 642909eb4c3d47e33999235c0598353c samples/simple.yml --save
Verify the yaml file signature:
$ drone-yaml verify 642909eb4c3d47e33999235c0598353c samples/simple.yml
Compile the yaml file:
$ drone-yaml compile samples/simple.yml samples/simple.json