Adds functionality inside QGIS to enable GEA afforestation visualization and analysis.
During the development phase the plugin is available to install via a dedicated plugin repository
Open QGIS application and open plugin manager.
Search for
QGIS GEA afforestation tool
in the All page of the plugin manager. -
From the found results, click on the
QGIS GEA afforestation tool
result item and a page with plugin information will show up. -
Click the
Install Plugin
button at the bottom of the dialog to install the plugin.
Alternatively the plugin can be installed using Install from ZIP option on the QGIS plugin manager.
Download zip file from the required plugin released version{github-user}/{plugin-repo-name}/releases/download/{tagname}/qgis-gea-plugin.{version}.zip
From the Install from ZIP page, select the zip file and click the Install button to install plugin
Open the QGIS plugin manager, then select the Settings page
Click Add button on the Plugin Repositories group box and use the above url to create the new plugin repository.
The plugin should now be available from the list of all plugins that can be installed.
Disable QGIS official plugin repository in order to not fetch plugins from it.
NOTE: While the development phase is on going the plugin will be flagged as experimental, make sure to enable the QGIS plugin manager in the Settings page to show the experimental plugins in order to be able to install it.
When the development work is complete the plugin will be available on the QGIS official plugin repository.
To use the plugin for development purposes, clone the repository locally, install pip, a python dependencies management tool see
Using any python virtual environment manager create project environment. Recommending to use virtualenv-wrapper.
It can be installed using python pip
pip install virtualenvwrapper
Create virtual environment
mkvirtualenv env
Using the pip, install plugin development dependencies by running
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
To install the plugin into the QGIS application, activate virtual environment and then use the below command
python install