A helper bundle transform which prevents caching of bundle contents when optimizations are disabled - when debug is enabled or BundleTable.EnableOptimizations is false.
Install-Package System.Web.Optimization.HashCache
This transform prevents browsers from loading old cached versions of your code when you are running in debug mode, by adding a hash of the file content to the end of the file path:
<link href="/css/styles.css?~v=Iz7DDyL6DCDnT_L414h7aec4VUNOlN9dDYVRGoD2ZB01" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="/js/app.js?~v=QWNK55__txkMIVFvtdF3fy5lDLK7GLkwLzP8nzCV6nw1"></script>
Execute the ApplyHashCache() extension method on the BundlesCollection Instance after all bundles have been added to the collection.
Create an instance of the HashCacheTransform and add it to the bundle instance you want to apply HashCache to.
var myBundle = new ScriptBundle("~/bundle_virtual_path").Include("~/scripts/jsfile.js");
myBundle.Transforms.Add(new HashCacheTransform());
- AddHashToPath: Add cache-busting content hash to the unbundled file paths output by Scripts.Render() and Styles.Render() calls.
- HttpCacheability: Disable caching bundle output in the HttpContext.Cache
- UseServerCache: Set the Cache-Control HTTP header to tell browser not to cache bundle contents.
- HashPathParameterName: Set the parameter name used in the query string when AddHashToPath is enabled. The default parameter name is "~v".
The above options can either be passed into the ApplyHacheCache() extension method call or set on individual instances of the HashCachTransform class.
bundles.ApplyHashCache(true, false, HttpCacheability.NoCache);)
var hashCacheTransform = new HashCacheTransform
AddHashToPath = true,
HttpCacheability = HttpCacheability.NoCache,
UseServerCache = false