Source code used for GPSR Challenge at RoboCup 2015-2017@home
Voice Command
We are using Kaldi speech engine. -
nltk default perceptron tagger had poor performance. We used Two-step Convolutional Neural Network to overcome this problem. -
Normalization Convert polite expression, and conjuction to normal, and separated sentence for normalization.
Classification of command Classify the command to "deliver", "grasp", "follow", "answer", "search", "move, "manipulation" categories.
Pronounciation fix of noun
For understanding non-native speaker speech, we used CMUDict + Ngram for word similarity matching and search for word candidate. -
Extract location and objective
Extract location and ojective by the five sentence structures of English grammer.
scripts/ have library functionality. Include to your project to use it.
- Brown Corpus
- WordNet
- CMUDict
- Tagger