Validates swagger.yaml file. Validation are done assuming JAX-RS resources and Jackson POJOs.
The default validations include:
- Resources validations:
- The resource class exists (See x-javaClass)
- The resource class annotated with @Path and that the value matches.
- For each operation validate that:
- Exists method in a resource annotated with the proper annotation (e.g. GET, POST, etc.)
- Operation is tagged.
- Definitions validations:
- The POJO exists (See x-javaClass)
- Property from definition matches a property in POJO (By default property in Swagger equals to field in POJO)
- POJO doesn't use forbidden types (e.g. using primitive types is forbidden)
- Warning is printed if unrecommended type is used.
The Swagger Validator expects additional elements to be present in the swagger.yaml to perform the validations.
x-javaClass defines the fully qualified name of the desired class. This is used to validate that the relevant class really exists in the classpath and it's a starting point for addition validations.
The Swagger Validator is distributed using Maven Central.
The SwaggerValidator is a simple Java class. It must be run in the classpath containing all the resources and definitions.
SwaggerValidator swaggerValidator = new SwaggerValidator(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/swagger.yaml"));
See unit tests for more examples.
SwaggerValidatorConf conf = new SwaggerValidatorConf() {
public Set<Class<?>> getForbiddenClasses() {
return Collections.emptySet();
SwaggerValidator swaggerValidator = new SwaggerValidator(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/swagger.yaml"), conf);
swaggerValidator.validateDefinitions(); // forbidden types won't be validated