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Bolts Extensions adds additional capabilities to Bolts to simplify mobile-app development even further!


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Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.

Bolts Extensions adds additional capabilities to Bolts to simplify development even further. This includes:

  • Promise API
  • Retrofit Call Adapter (Task + Promise)


Step 1: Add JitPack repository to your project level build.gradle file.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Step 2: Add the bolts-extensions dependency to your module's build.gradle file.

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.ketanv3:bolts-extensions:<latest-release>'

Latest release tags can be found here.

Usage Instructions

Promise API

The idea behind Promise is to avoid nested "pyramid" code typically found when we are dealing with a lot of asynchronous code involving callbacks.

Bolts already provides us with Task that are fully composable, allows chaining and parallel execution with complex error handling; without dealing with spaghetti code of callbacks.

Promise builds on top of Task to provide additional capabilities with a much simpler usage API. It is also made analogous to the Promise API found in JavaScript!


These primitives provide some ready-made promises.

  • Promise.resolve(TResult value) - returns a resolved promise with the given value as the result.
  • Promise.reject(Exception error) - returns a rejected promise with the given error.
  • Promise.cancelled() - returns a cancelled promise.
  • Promise.sleep(long millis) - returns a promise that resolves after the given sleep amount.

Promises in Series

These methods allow chaining of promises.

  • .then(Promise<ContinuationResult> nextPromise) - chains another promise on successful execution of current promise.
  • .except(Promise<TResult> nextPromise, Class exceptionClass) - handles the given exception if thrown from any promise in the above chain.
  • .always(Promise<ContinuationResult> nextPromise) - chains another promise regardless of successful/unsuccessful execution of the current promise.
  • .thenReturn(ContinuationResult nextResult) - similar to then(), but returns the result directly.
  • .alwaysReturn(ContinuationResult nextResult) - similar to always(), but returns the result directly.

Promises in Parallel

These methods allow parallel execution of multiple promises. These return another Promise.

  • Promise.all(List<Promise<TResult>> promises) - resolves when all promises have resolved, or rejects if at least one promise has failed.
  • Promise.any(List<Promise<TResult>> promises) - resolves when the first promise resolves.


  • Promise.of(Task<TResult> task) - creates a promise from a bolts.Task.
  • Promise.await(Promise<TResult> promise) - awaits for the promise to complete and returns the result.

All existing features available in Bolts' Task are still available in Promise API as well. Check out more here.


// Promises in series:
Promise<String> p1 = Promise.sleep(500)
        .then(p -> Promise.sleep(400))
        .thenReturn(p -> "123") // Synchronous return
        .thenReturn(p -> p.getResult() + "456") // Synchronous return
        .then(p -> {
            if (p.getResult().length() % 2 == 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("odd length");

            return Promise.resolve(p.getResult().length());
        .except(p -> Promise.resolve(0), IllegalArgumentException.class)
        .always(p -> Promise.resolve("The length is: " + p.getResult()));

// Some more chained promises:
Promise<String> p2 = Promise.sleep(400).thenReturn(p -> "p2 done");
Promise<String> p3 = Promise.sleep(1000).then(p -> Promise.resolve("p3 done"));

// Promises in parallel:
Promise<List<Promise<String>>> promiseAll = Promise.all(Arrays.asList(p1, p2, p3));
Promise<Promise<String>> promiseAny = Promise.any(Arrays.asList(p1, p2, p3));

// Awaiting for a result (or failure). Note this would block the current thread.
List<Promise<String>> allResult = Promise.await(promiseAll);
for (Promise<String> p : allResult) {

promiseAny.alwaysReturn(p -> {
    System.out.println("First result is: " + p.getResult().getResult());
    return null;

// Delivering results to UI thread (or some other thread):
Promise.sleep(10000) // some long running operation
        .thenReturn(p -> "John Doe")
        .thenReturn(p -> {
            Toast.makeText(this, "Hello, " + p.getResult(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            return null;
        }, Promise.UI_THREAD_EXECUTOR);

Retrofit Call Adapters

A Retrofit 2 CallAdapter.Factory for adapting Promises and Tasks. Bolts Extensions provides the following two factories:

  • PromiseCallAdapterFactory
  • TaskCallAdapterFactory

Add the required call adapter factories when building the Retrofit instance:

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

Your service methods can now use any of the above types as their return type.

interface MyService {
    Promise<User> getUserPromise();

    Task<User> getUserTask();

Issues and Suggestions

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please file an issue along with a detailed description. Remember to apply labels for easier tracking.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the available versions, see the tags on this repository


See the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Bolts Extensions adds additional capabilities to Bolts to simplify mobile-app development even further!







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