Spotify-easyrpm is a script which can download the latest Spotify package and convert it into an RPM. It is also capable of installing, automated updating and storing the Spotify RPMs in a local filesystem repo for installing Spotify updates alongside regular system updates
- Set up a build enviornment on your PC and install rpm-build
- Auto download the latest version of Spotify
- Convert the snap package to RPM format
- Install the Spotify RPM
- Automated Spotify update check
- Create a local filesystem repo so Spotify can be updated alongside regular updates
- Fully unattended quiet mode
$> spotify-easyrpm
- Regular prompt based mode to create an RPM and optionally install and create an update schedule
$> spotify-easyrpm --quiet
- Create the RPM
- Install the Spotify RPM
- Set up a update timer job
- Set up a local filesystem repo
$> spotify-easyrpm --set-channel edge
- Set either "edge" or "stable" version of Spotify client
$> spotify-easyrpm --create-schedule
- If you previously opted out creating an automated update schedule but now desire it
$> spotify-easyrpm --remove-schedule
- Removes the schedule and local repo if present
$> spotify-easyrpm --clean-repo
- Cleans up the local filesystem repo
- Fedora 33/34
spotify-easyrpm can create a systemd user timer job which will run daily and 5 minutes after user login.
This will call the script to do a light check against the Spotify debian repo for a new release.
If a new release is found, a build process is kicked off in the background and the final RPM will
be placed on your machine in a local filesystem repo (/var/cache/spotify-easyrpm).
The next time you run the system updater or zypper up you will see spotify-client appear as an
update alongside regular updates.
If you want to modify the update check timer, the file is at $HOME/.local/share/systemd/user/spotify-easyrpm.timer
Please see the systemd documentation for more information
To see a brief summary of the last run do
systemctl --user status spotify-easyrpm
If you want to see the full output of the last run you can do
journalctl --user-unit spotify-easyrpm