BIZspot is a web application that serves as a network of prospect users and business owners in order to ease their business access to the community.
When we've completed this Code Pattern, you will understand how to:
- Objective 1: Add or claim your business on the platform (*Premium).
- Objective 2: Help people find great local businesses like dentists or vets
- Objective 3: keep your page up to date.
- Objective 4: Review your favorite businesses and share your experiences with the community.
When thinking of business capabilities, our elegant application you will need the following set of features:
1- Authentication
i. Login
ii. Registration
iii. Role Based Access management
2- Searching
i. Business Selection (multi criteria search)
ii. Maps (google maps)
iii. Reviews
iv. Subscriptions
3- Account
i. Settings
ii. Personal Reviews
iii. Subscriptions
iv. Payments Integration (Stripe)
4- Highlights
i. Top Business
ii. Top Reviews
iii. Top Reviewers
iv. Top Stories
- Component 1: Web API powered by that runs our backend server.
- Component 2: Packaged front-end application built using Angular v8.
- Component 3: MongoDB NoSQL database hosted on Mongo Atlas - created with 3 replicats (Primary - Secondary - Default)
- Stripe Integration: Integrate online payments using the Stripe APIs and client-side libraries..
- Node.js: An open-source JavaScript run-time environment for executing server-side JavaScript code.
- Google Maps: The Maps JavaScript API lets you customize maps with your own content and imagery for display on web pages and mobile devices. The Maps JavaScript API features four basic map types (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, and terrain) which you can modify using layers and styles, controls and events, and various services and libraries.
- Heroku: Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.
You have multiple options to setup your own instance:
Clone the BIZspot App
repository locally. In a terminal, run:
$ git clone
This code pattern depends on MongoDB as a session and data store. From the MongoDB Cloud catalog, find Compose for MongoDB and click create. Give it a name, choose a region, pick the standard pricing plan and click create.
Get your mongo connection string. Almost all your microservices need it; keep it safe!
Our application would have the following folder structure:
└── code/
├── BIZspot-backend/
├── BIZspot-frontend/
└── dbs_mongo
Our application would have the following folder structure:
└── code/
└── source
├── client
├── server
├── package.json
├── main.js
├── env
└── ..
└── dbs_mongo
# install node modules for the API
$ cd source
$ npm install
# install node modules for angular app
$ cd source/client
$ npm install
Finally, navigate to each microservice folder, and start it. Make sure you run the 2 microservice in 2 separate terminals.
# start API server
$ cd source
$ npm start
# start angular app
$ cd source/client
$ ng serve -o
You can now visit localhost:4200
to access the portal
The application now is live
on Heroku you can check it out using the link below:
Note: We already use automatic deployement with Heroku CI connected to this github repo on the remote branch with-heroku-prod
For personal feedback or questions feel free to contact us via the mail address, which is mentioned on my Github profile
. If you have found any bugs or want to post a feature request please use the bugtracker to report them.