npm i -g yarn
yarn global add serve
node createTestDb.js
node createDb.js
echo "SECRET_KEY=\"$(openssl rand -base64 32)\"" > .env
cp Caddyfile.template /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
# 1. Start the server
node server
# 2. Start the frontend
# in a new session
yarn start
# 0. Test the server
npx jest
# 1. Do it again. Just to be sure.
npx jest
# 2. IF tests pass, deploy server
git pull
yarn build
NODE_ENV=production node server.js # the server (podcast and blog auth)
# 3. Deploy frontend
# in a new session
serve -s ./build
# for future updates and deployments, build it in a different session and then swap the server
# (this is to avoid downtime)