Replaces original Tuya firmware on Beca thermostat with ESP8266 wifi module. The firmware is tested with following devices:
- BHT-002, BHT-6000, BHT-3000 (floor heating)
- AVATTO ME102H (Thermostat with LCD touch screen)
- BAC-002 (heating, cooling, ventilation)
- ET-81W
- Floureon HY08WE
- AVATTO ME81AH (floor heating, thanks to @lozb36 for implementation)
- Minco Heat MK70GB-H (floor heating, thanks to @indimouse for implementation)
- VH Control Calypso-W
For productive use only stable version 1.19. Version 1.20x_beta is rewritten to make the support of different models more easily in future. For model BHT-002 and ME102H the new version is tested and should work reliable already.
Function | BHT-002 BHT-6000 BHT-3000 | ME102H | BAC-002 | ET-81W | HY08WE | ME81AH | MK70GBH | Calypso-W* |
actual temperature | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
target temperature | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
floor temperature | yes | yes | no | yes | yes | yes | no | yes |
schedules mode | auto off | auto off | auto off | holiday auto hold | off auto holiday hold | auto off | off auto hold | holiday auto hold |
locked | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
schedules | 18 | 8 | 18 | no | no | 8 | 8 | no |
system mode | no | no | cool, heat, fan | no | no | heat, cool, fan | no | no |
fan mode | no | no | auto, high, med, low | no | no | no | no | no |
'* needs testing
- No Tuya cloud connection anymore
- Enables thermostat to communicate via MQTT and/or Mozilla Webthings
- Configuration of connection and device parameters via web interface
- NTP and time zone synchronisation to set the clock of thermostat
- Reading and setting of all parameters via MQTT
- Reading and setting of main parameters via Webthing
- Only BHT-002-GBLW: actualFloorTemperature (external temperature sensor)
- Only BAC-002-ALW: fanSpeed:auto|low|medium|high; systemMode:cooling|heating|ventilation
- Reading and setting of time schedules via MQTT
To install the firmware, follow instructions here:
To setup the device model, network options and other parameters, follow instrcution here:
After initial setup, the device configuration is still available via http://<device_ip>/config
This firmware supports Mozilla Webthings directly. With Webthings you can control the device via the Gateway - inside and also outside of your home network. No clunky VPN, dynDNS solutions needed to access your home devices. I recommend to run the gateway in parallel to an MQTT server and for example Node-Red. Via MQTT you can control the device completely and logic can be done by Node-Red. Webthings is used for outside control of main parameters.
Add the device to the gateway via '+' icon. After that you have the new nice and shiny icon in the dashboard:
The icon shows the actual temperature and heating state.
There is also a detailed view available:
Firmware provides 3 different json messages:
- State report
- Schedules
- Device information (at start of device to let you know the topics and ip)
MQTT: State report is provided every 5 minutes, at change of a parameter or at request via message with empty payload to <your_mqtt_topic>/thermostat/<your_state_topic>
Webthing: State report can be requested by: http://<device_ip>/things/thermostat/properties
"state":"off|heating", //only_available,_if_hardware_modified
"floorTemperature":20, //only_BHT-002-GBLW
"fanMode":"auto|low|medium|high", //only_BAC-002-ALW
"systemMode":"cool|heat|fan_only" //only_BAC-002-ALW
MQTT: Request actual schedules via message with empty payload to <your_mqtt_topic>/thermostat/<your_state_topic>/schedules
Webthing: State report can be requested by: http://<device_ip>/things/thermostat/schedules
Schedules can be modified via MQTT. Send a payload structure with all schedules or only the parts you want to modify to
MQTT: At start of device to let you know the topics and ip to devices/thermostat
Webthing: n.a.
Send a complete json structure with changed parameters to <your_mqtt_topic>/thermostat/<your_set_topic>
, e.g. beca/thermostat/set
. Alternatively you can set single values, modify the topic to <your_mqtt_topic>/thermostat/<your_set_topic>/<parameter>
, e.g. beca/thermostat/set/deviceOn
. The payload contains the new value.
Send a json with changed schedules to <your_mqtt_topic>/things/thermostat/schedules
For build from sources you can use the Atom IDE (recommended), Arduino IDE or other. All sources needed are inside the folder 'WThermostat' and my other library: Additionally you will need some other libraries, which you can find listed here: