I was looking for simple logger to my C++ projects. In last I write my own
#include "logxx.hpp"
int main() {
// registrate new logger "channel" with sink file_channel
logxx::logger::log("file").channel(new logxx::file_channel("app.log"));
LOG(debug) << "This message goes to std::cerr" << std::endl;
LOG_("file",debug) << "And this to file app.log" << std::endl;
LOG_("on-fly",debug) << "You can create channels on fly" << std::endl;
logxx::logger::log().filter(logxx::info); // setup minimal logging level
LOG(debug) << "This message is now dropped because filter" << std::endl;
// mute root logger
logxx::logger::log().channel(new logxx::null_channel);
LOG(error) << "Now is everything dropped" << std::endl;
LOG_("on-fly",info) << "\"on-fly\" is still send into cerr" << std::endl;
// unmute root logger
logxx::logger::log().channel(new logxx::console_channel);
LOG(info) << "Now we are in back in console" << std::endl;
#define LOG(level) if (logxx::logger::log().severity() >= logxx::level) logxx::logger::log().get(logxx::level)
original code:
LOG(debug) << someReallyLongTimeConsumingDump() << std::endl;
expanded code:
if (logxx::logger::log().severity() >= logxx::debug)
logxx::logger::log().get(logxx::debug) << someReallyLongTimeConsumingDump() << std::endl;
so evaluation of someReallyLongTimeConsumingDump() is just unly when debug severity is enabled
- syslog channel
- filter policy with throw exception on fatal
- more flexible formating policy (especialy channel name)
- write doc around policies