Contact Management System - Spring version
This repository contains an sample application for a contact management system intended to serve as an information system for personal information of all employees of a micro/small business.
This application is a Work-in-Progress. Many features are still to be developed.
Technology Stack:
Spring 5
Hibernate 5
JBoss Narayana
REST-WS with Spring MVC
Please note that this project DOES NOT USE SPRING BOOT. It is a traditional web application written using Spring Framework and other technologies given above.
1.Have Git,Postman,maven 3,JDK 8,Eclipse 4.12 or newer,Tomcat 9,Squirrel-sql and Postgresql 11 installed.You can also use any other Eclipse version or Eclipse based IDE or Netbeans/IntelliJ provided Tomcat 9 is supported.
You can also use another database such as MySQL or Oracle in place of Postgres but you would need to update the dependencies,DB script and configuration accordingly.
2.Clone this repo to your workstation/laptop/desktop using Git.
3.Next the Postgres DB instance must be setup.I use GhostBSD,which is a FreeBSD based desktop distro, hence I was able to install using the postgres through the pkg system. The install automatically sets up an user
named as 'postgres'.From here run:
passwd postgres
The above command would enable you to change the password from what is set by default to your own. From here do the following:
su - postgres
Enter the password and login. Then:
createdb cms
The above command would automatically create the cms database.Now the DB schema script is in db-scripts folder.Run this using Squirrel SQL IDE and set up the DB tables.
The above steps should be similar if you use another Unix based system such as Linux or Mac OS X(Fink/MacPorts/Homebrew). If you are on Windows,please refer to the refer to the below link to install and configure postgresql:
4. Import the project into Eclipse 4.12.
5. Update the username and password in the file in src/main/resources.
6. Run the following maven command in Eclipse to build the project:
mvn clean install
7. Make sure Tomcat 9 is setup in Eclipse.If you are not sure how this is done, refer the following link:
8. To run the project, right click on the project and select Run As --> On Server. A useful article for setting up and running an web app in eclipse with tomcat is given below:
Once the application is successfully launched, you should see the welcome page:
9. The POSTMAN JSON collection is available in the file cms.postman_collection.json .You can use this to test drive the
Please open an issue in this repository, if you find any difficulties.