Note: Upstart/SysV init based OS types are not supported.
- Core
- kubernetes v1.30.4
- etcd v3.5.12
- docker v26.1
- containerd v1.7.21
- cri-o v1.30.3 (experimental: see CRI-O Note. Only on fedora, ubuntu and centos based OS)
- Network Plugin
- cni-plugins v1.2.0
- calico v3.28.1
- cilium v1.15.4
- flannel v0.22.0
- kube-ovn v1.12.21
- kube-router v2.0.0
- multus v3.8
- weave v2.8.7
- kube-vip v0.8.0
- Application
- cert-manager v1.14.7
- coredns v1.11.1
- ingress-nginx v1.11.2
- krew v0.4.4
- argocd v2.11.0
- helm v3.15.4
- metallb v0.13.9
- registry v2.8.1
- Storage Plugin
- cephfs-provisioner v2.1.0-k8s1.11
- rbd-provisioner v2.1.1-k8s1.11
- aws-ebs-csi-plugin v0.5.0
- azure-csi-plugin v1.10.0
- cinder-csi-plugin v1.30.0
- gcp-pd-csi-plugin v1.9.2
- local-path-provisioner v0.0.24
- local-volume-provisioner v2.5.0
- node-feature-discovery v0.16.4
- The cri-o version should be aligned with the respective kubernetes version (i.e. kube_version=1.20.x, crio_version=1.20)