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Welcome to mwxlib project! Python package based on matplotlib/wx and wxPython shell extension library

See Demo Script and Gallery.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



To install, type:

pip install mwxlib

To install latest version from GitHub, type:

pip install git+

How to use

mwx.deb is inspector used for debugging in the target process.

>>> import mwx; mwx.deb()

📝 mwxlib creates "~/.mwxlib/" in your HOME directory. This includes history, logs, dump files used to check when an error occurs.

📝 At the first startup, it takes some time to collect module information and create a dictionary file. The collected module name is used for completion at the time of input in the shell. (If you start the shell while pressing [C-S-], the dictionary file will be recreated)

As you are diving into the python process, you can watch, inspect, and debug the target.

Enjoy diving!


pip uninstall mwxlib


intro The animation shows how the Nautilus works, which is embedded in a simple PyEditor app.

As you are diving into the python process, you can watch, inspect, and change everything in the target.

Nautilus in the Shell

The framework has an extended class based on named Nautilus, which has the following features:

  1. Auto-completion and apropos functions are reinforced.
    • [1] history-comp-mode
    • [2] word-comp-mode
    • [3] apropos-comp-mode
    • [4] text-comp-mode
    • [5] module-comp-mode
  2. Magic syntax.
    • [ ` ] quoteback
    • [@] pullback
  3. Powerful inspectoin utilities.
    • Filling
    • InspectionTool
    • Ghost in the shell

All objects in the process can be accessed using:

    self : the target of the shell,
    this : the module which includes target.

To include the shell in your wxPython application:

>>> self.inspector = mwx.ShellFrame(self, target=self)

Autocomp key bindings

    C-up : [0] retrieve previous history
  C-down : [0] retrieve next history
C-j, M-j : [0] tooltip of eval (for the selected or focused word)
C-h, M-h : [0] calltip of help (for the selected or focused func)
     TAB : [1] history-comp-mode
     M-p : [1] retrieve previous history in comp-mode
     M-n : [1] retrieve next history in comp-mode
     M-. : [2] word-comp-mode
     M-/ : [3] apropos-comp-mode
     M-, : [4] text-comp-mode
     M-m : [5] module-comp-mode
  • All completions [1--5] are incremental when pressed any alnums, and decremental when backspace.
    See key bindings for more information.

Magic syntax

  • quoteback : x`y --> y=x | x`y`z --> z=y=x

  • pullback : x@y --> y(x) | x@y@z --> z(y(x))

  • apropos : x.y? [not] p => shows apropos &optional (not-)matched by p:predicates equiv. apropos(y, x [,ignorecase ?:True,??:False] [,pred=p]) y can contain regular expressions. (RE) \a:[a-z], \A:[A-Z] can be used in addition. p can be ?atom, ?callable, ?instance(*types), and predicates imported from inspect e.g., isclass, ismodule, ismethod, isfunction, etc.

  • info : ?x --> info(x) shows short information

  • help : ??x --> help(x) shows full description

  • sx : !x --> sx(x) executes command in external shell

    Note: The last three (*) are original syntax defined in, at present version, enabled with USE_MAGIC switch being on

built-in utilities

@p          : Synonym of print.
@pp         : Synonym of pprint.
@mro        : Display mro list and filename:lineno.
@where      : Display filename:lineno.
@info       : Short info.
@help       : Full description.
@load       : Load a file in Log.
@dive       : Clone the shell with new target.
@debug      : Open pdb debugger or event monitor.
@watch      : Watch for events using event monitor.
@timeit     : Measure CPU time (per one execution).
@profile    : Profile a single function call.
@highlight  : Highlight the widget.
@filling    : Inspection using ``wx.lib.filling.Filling``.

Ghost in the shell

Ghost in the shell is the help system for divers, which is a notebook-style window consists of four editors:

  • scratch buffer
    • a temporary buffer
  • Help buffer
    • piping text from info(?) and help(??)
  • Logging buffer
    • logging debug process and the input-history


  • Kazuya O'moto - Initial work -

See also the list of who participated in this project.


Default icons are provided by wx.ArtProvider. Optional icons are provided by:

Note: Other icons could be attributed to other open sources. This is a mish-mash of stuff from all over the internet. If I missed an author credit or attribution, please let me know.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


My python package based on matplotlib/wx







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