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distributed graphite-like metrics backend written in erlang


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This project is a rework of the graphite stack in shape of an erlang application.

The project is still in beta state - work in progress but feel free to give it a shot!


Graphite is a fantastic piece or rather collection of software(s) that's tough to 'replace' at all. Nonetheless there are a few points that motivate me to tackle some parts of graphite's feature set to be solved in a distributed erlang-powered application.

  • the fact that the "graphite stack" is spread across several applications (whisper, carbon, graphite-web) has some advantages for sure but complicates maintainability significantly

  • as soon as you want/have to distribute graphite across multiple nodes there come more application parts into play (carbon-relay, carbon-aggregator)

  • all of these applications are configured independently from each other and might get difficult to tune into sync at times

  • statser will be built to replace basically all of the "server parts" into one single application which is supposed to be distributed more easily (erlang is basically built for this kind of thing)

  • my goal is that you only need one or more statser instances that expose an interface that can be used with common metrics dashboards like grafana - and nothing more!

  • last but not least I will use this project to improve my grip on erlang for sure



  • erlang OTP >= 20
    • xmerl
  • node-js (for client only)


You can build the project's components by using the Makefile:

$ make

The server and client parts can also be built separately:

$ make server
$ make client

However since the project is powered by rebar3, you may also directly invoke all common commands directly:

$ rebar3 compile


You can also use the pre-built docker image in order to quickly get up and running:

$ docker pull kongo2002/statser

On your local machine you may want to start the container with -P or expose the container's ports on your host machine:

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 2003:2003 -p 8125:8125/udp kongo2002/statser


After successful compilation you can quickly start a development statser instance with the sample script. The script uses default options that spawn port 2003 (carbon plain text interface), port 8080 (metrics API) and 8125/udp (StatsD interface):

$ ./

Now you can already ingest metrics, e.g. by using netcat:

# push some test metrics
$ echo " 100.1" | nc --send-only localhost 2003
$ echo " 200.2" | nc --send-only localhost 2003

# fetch metrics
$ curl localhost:8080 -XPOST -d 'target=test.*' -d 'maxDataPoints=5'

Web dashboard

Moreover you can browse to the web dashboard that displays some of statser's health endpoints, internal metrics and serves a basic administration UI:

$ firefox http://localhost:8080/.statser/


# basically the same as `rebar3 eunit`
$ make test


Right now you can start statser which will listen on port 2003 (by default) and for example start your collectd instance(s) (or whatever graphite compatible metrics source you use), point those to your statser node and it will go ahead with recording and aggregating your metrics just like carbon-cache did. Moreover you can configure the storage and aggregation rules in a simple YAML configuration file.

Moreover you can already point your grafana dashboard to your statser instance just like you did with a graphite backend. Even though grafana has no particular statser-support it does work because statser implements (or mimics) most parts of graphite-web's API already.

Find a list of features that are either finished or on my roadmap below.


  • full whisper database support
  • carbon plain text interface (known to listen on port 2003)
  • configurable storage rules
  • configurable aggregation schemes
  • throttling of archive creation
  • throttling of metrics updates (writes to disk)
  • configurable blacklist/whitelist of metrics
  • basic StatsD interface (known to listen on UDP port 8125)
    • support for counters, timers, gauges and sets
  • support for querying metrics of multiple connected statser instances
  • metrics API
  • render API (JSON output only!)
    • absolute
    • aliasByMetric
    • aliasByNode
    • aliasSub
    • alias
    • asPercent
    • averageAbove
    • averageBelow
    • averageOutsidePercentile
    • averageSeries (short alias: avg)
    • changed
    • constantLine
    • currentAbove
    • currentBelow
    • derivative
    • diffSeries
    • divideSeries
    • exclude
    • grep
    • highestAverage
    • highestCurrent
    • highestMax
    • integralByInterval
    • integral
    • invert
    • isNonNull
    • keepLastValue
    • limit
    • lowestAverage
    • lowestCurrent
    • maxSeries
    • maximumAbove
    • maximumBelow
    • minSeries
    • minimumAbove
    • minimumBelow
    • mostDeviant
    • movingAverage
    • multiplySeries
    • nPercentile
    • nonNegativeDerivative
    • offsetToZero
    • offset
    • perSecond
    • powSeries
    • pow
    • randomWalk
    • rangeOfSeries
    • removeAboveValue
    • removeBelowValue
    • scaleToSeconds
    • scale
    • squareRoot
    • stddevSeries
    • sumSeries


Statser ships with sane defaults out-of-the-box so you might not need a configuration at all. However there are a few settings that you may configure via a YAML file (statser.yaml in the working directory):

# storage directory of the whisper files
# defaults to the current working directory
data_dir: /opt/whisper/storage

# IO consuming operations like updates and archive creations
# are by default (and should be) rate limited to some extent:

  # max. archive creations per second (default: 25)
  creates: 25

  # max. archive updates per second (default: 500)
  updates: 500

# configuration of storage rules and archive retentions
# this contains basically what you might know of `storage-schemas.conf`
# from the 'carbon-cache' configuration

    pattern: ^stats\.
      - 10:1m
      - 60:1d

    pattern: ^carbon\.
      - 60:30d

# storage aggregation rules
# may look familiar to `storage-aggregation.conf` of carbon-cache

    pattern: \.min$
    aggregation: min
    factor: 0.1

    pattern: \.max$
    aggregation: max
    factor: 0.1

    pattern: \.count$
    aggregation: sum
    factor: 0

# you may configure a blacklist and/or whitelist to configure
# what metrics you really care about
# every metric that enters the system will be checked against
# the regexes you defined
  - \.sum_squares$
  - \.localhost\.

  - ^stats\.

# metrics and render API
  port: 8080

# TCP listener
# this listener is basically equivalent to the carbon
# plaintext listener you might know from graphite
  port: 2003

# StatsD compatible adapter
  # UDP port to listen on
  # set this to something =< 0 to disable
  port: 8125

  # metrics flush interval (in seconds)
  interval: 10

  # prune inactive metrics keys after x seconds
  # 0 to never prune metrics at all
  prune_after: 300

# protobuf listener (disabled by default)
# the protobuf interface was introduced in graphite 1.x
# you can enable this by using the following options
  port: 2005


  • graphite 1.1 features
  • support even more functions of graphite-web render API
  • investigate into more elaborate archive write optimization


statser is licensed under the Apache license, Version 2.0

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


distributed graphite-like metrics backend written in erlang








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