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[WANT@ICML'24] Official code for: "Language Adaptation on a Tight Academic Compute Budget: Tokenizer Swapping Works and Pure bfloat16 Is Enough"


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Language Adaptation on a Tight Academic Compute Budget

This is the official repository for the paper "Language Adaptation on a Tight Academic Compute Budget: Tokenizer Swapping Works and Pure bfloat16 Is Enough".

We empirically analyze language adaptation of Mistral-7B-v0.1 to German and Arabic on "tight academic compute budgets". The main findings include:

  • We can do continued pretraining in pure bfloat16 rather than mixed precision. This is significant for settings with only a few GPUs, as mixed-precision training can be slow or impossible due to OOM. Pure bfloat16 is up to ~39% faster!
  • Tokenizer swapping with a custom language-specific tokenizer works even on a tight compute budget (although it does not improve task performance in our experiments).
  • Adapting to German did not actually improve German task performance but adapting to Arabic did. Languages that are already well-represented might not benefit from language adaptation!

For more details, view our paper on OpenReview:


We provide the model checkpoints for the adapted Mistral-7B-v0.1 versions from the paper on Huggingface.

From our main experiments:

Language Tokenizer Training Precision Huggingface link
German German pure bfloat16 konstantindobler/mistral7b-de-tokenizer-swap-pure-bf16
German German mixed-precision bfloat16 konstantindobler/mistral7b-de-tokenizer-swap-mixed-bf16
German original pure bfloat16 konstantindobler/mistral7b-de-pure-bf16
German original mixed-precision bfloat16 konstantindobler/mistral7b-de-mixed-bf16

From our hindsight experiments with improved training recipes:

Language Tokenizer Training Precision Huggingface link
German German pure bfloat16 konstantindobler/mistral7b-de-tokenizer-swap-pure-bf16-v2
German German pure bfloat16 (anneal in mixed-precision) konstantindobler/mistral7b-de-tokenizer-swap-pure-bf16-v2-anneal-ablation
Arabic Arabic pure bfloat16 konstantindobler/mistral7b-ar-tokenizer-swap-pure-bf16
Arabic Arabic pure bfloat16 (anneal in mixed-precision) konstantindobler/mistral7b-ar-tokenizer-swap-pure-bf16-anneal-ablation

The German models all underperform Mistral-7B-v0.1 on German downstream tasks, however the konstantindobler/mistral7b-ar-tokenizer-swap-pure-bf16 checkpoint (as well as the anneal ablation) outperformed the base model and several baselines.


We perform our experiments using Docker images with pre-built dependencies for better reproducibility. We use two different images (one for our initial main experiments and another one with updated dependencies in our hindsight study).


Main experiments

For our main experiments, we use the Docker image at konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:main-experiments. The dependency lockfile can be found at ./helpers/main-exp-deps/conda-lock.yml with the corresponding Dockerfile at ./helpers/main-exp-deps/Dockerfile.condalock. This uses conda-lock for exact pinning of package versions.

Hindsight Study

For the hindsight study experiments, we use the Docker image at konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:hindsight. The dependency lockfile can be found at ./requirements.lock with the corresponding Dockerfile at ./Dockerfile. Instead of conda-lock, we used rye for exact pinning of package versions due to issues of conda-lock when using nightly torch versions.


We use data from OSCAR23.01 and CulturaX for our main experiments and hindsight study, respectively. We pre-tokenize the data into an optimized np.memmap-ed format. You can use the following commands to download and pre-tokenize our used datasets:

Main experiments

For our main experiments, we use OSCAR23.01. To download run:

bash scripts/ python dlib/data/ --lg de --dataset oscar2023 --max_train_size 10_000_000 --dev_size 50_000 --out_dir /my/data/dir --stream --disk_space --processes 8 --stream_shuffle_buffer_size 100_000

To pre-tokenize, run:

bash scripts/ python dlib/data/ --source_dir /my/data/dir/ --tokenizer_path ./tokenizers/de/sp-bpe-de-32kauto --append_eos False --prepend_bos False --extra_val_clip_length 512 --conserve_disk_space

and also --tokenizer_path mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 for training with the original vocabulary. Note that <eos> tokens are added during the dataloading, not during pre-tokenization.

Hindsight Study

For our hindsight study experiments, we use data from CulturaX. To download run:

bash scripts/ python dlib/data/ --lg de --dataset culturax --max_train_size 10_000_000 --dev_size 50_000 --out_dir /my/data/dir --stream --disk_space --processes 16 --stream_shuffle_buffer_size 100_000

with --lg de and --lg ar for German and Arabic, respectively.

To pre-tokenize, run:

bash scripts/ python dlib/data/ --source_dir /my/data/dir/ --tokenizer_path ./tokenizers/de/sp-bpe-de-32kauto --append_eos False --prepend_bos False --extra_val_clip_length 512 --conserve_disk_space

with --tokenizer_path ./tokenizers/{de,ar}/sp-bpe-{de,ar}-32kauto matching the language and also --tokenizer_path mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 for training with the original vocabulary. Note that <bos> tokens are added during the dataloading, not during pre-tokenization.


Our training script is ./ Since our main and hindsight experiments use different package versions and arguments, we need to use their respective Docker images and configs. In general, we adjusted efficiency parameters, such as micro-batch size, FSDP sharding level, and activation checkpointing depending on the GPU memory and number of devices we had available for each run.

In general, a training command looks like this:

bash scripts/ -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:main -g 0,2 python \
 --config_path ./cfgs/main.yml --out_dir /path/to/ckptdir \
 -d /path/to/data --tokenizer {tokenizer} --precision {bf16-mixed,bf16-true} --mb {1,2,4,8} \
 --fsdp_sharding_strategy {FULL_SHARD,SHARD_GRAD_OP}  --activation_checkpointing {true,false} \
 --gradient_accumulation_no_sync {true,false} --use_paged_adamw {true,false}

In our launch script ./scripts/, we can select the Docker image via -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:main and the GPUs used for training via -g 0,2 (this uses GPUs 0 and 2).

You will need to change the HuggingFace repo_id (in ./dlib/ and W&B account name WANDB_ENTITY (in ./ to match your accounts and adjust the mounts in the Docker launch script ./scripts/ to match your local machine.

You can run

bash -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:main python --help

for a list of all arguments. We describe the main ones here:

Training Arguments

For reproducing our main experiments, choose --config_path ./cfgs/main.yml and -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:main. For reproducing our hindsight experiments, choose --config_path ./cfgs/hindsight.yml and -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:hindsight.

Choose --tokenizer and -d based on the dataset as described in the data section.

The efficiency arguments fsdp_sharding_strategy, --mb (micro-batch size), --activation_checkpointing, --gradient_accumulation_no_sync, and --use_paged_adamw can be set according to number of available GPUs and GPU memory. In the commands to reproduce our trainings, we provide examples for four GPUs. In practice, we had to use many different numbers and types of GPUs according to availability and adjusted the efficiency arguments accordingly (benchmarked settings for 80GB GPUs can be found in Table 2 of the paper).

and list training commands to reproduce our experiments below:

Main Experiments

We adapt Mistral-7B to German using OSCAR23.01 with all combinations of {original vocab, tokenizer swapping} x {pure bfloat16, mixed-precision bfloat16}.

For tokenizer swapping, we use FOCUS embedding initialization. You can download the required fasttext embedding from this source.

Adapting Mistral-7B with tokenizer swapping and pure bfloat16:

bash scripts/ -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:main -g 0,1,2,3 python --config_path ./cfgs/main.yml ./cfgs/deepfocus.yml --tokenizer ./tokenizers/de/sp-bpe-de-32kauto/ --focus_fasttext_model_path /path/to/fasttextmodel-de -d /path/to/OSCAR23.01-custom-de-tokenized --out_dir /path/to/ckptdir --precision bf16-true --fsdp_sharding_strategy SHARD_GRAD_OP --mb 1

Adapting Mistral-7B while keeping the original vocabulary and pure bfloat16:

bash scripts/ -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:main -g 0,1,2,3 python --config_path ./cfgs/main.yml -d /path/to/OSCAR23.01-mistral-7b-tokenized --out_dir /path/to/ckptdir --precision bf16-true --fsdp_sharding_strategy SHARD_GRAD_OP --mb 1

Adapting Mistral-7B with tokenizer swapping and mixed-precision bfloat16:

bash scripts/ -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:main -g 0,1,2,3 python --config_path ./cfgs/main.yml ./cfgs/deepfocus.yml --tokenizer ./tokenizers/de/sp-bpe-de-32kauto/ --focus_fasttext_model_path /path/to/fasttextmodel-de -d /path/to/OSCAR23.01-custom-de-tokenized --out_dir /path/to/ckptdir --precision bf16-mixed --fsdp_sharding_strategy FULL_SHARD --mb 8 --activation_checkpointing true --gradient_accumulation_no_sync false

Adapting Mistral-7B while keeping the original vocabulary and mixed-precision bfloat16:

bash scripts/ -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:main -g 0,1,2,3 python --config_path ./cfgs/main.yml -d /path/to/OSCAR23.01-mistral-7b-tokenized --out_dir /path/to/ckptdir --precision bf16-mixed --fsdp_sharding_strategy FULL_SHARD --mb 8 --activation_checkpointing true --gradient_accumulation_no_sync false

Hindsight Experiments

In the hindsight study, we adapt Mistral-7B to German or Arabic using CulturaX with tokenizer swapping and pure bfloat16. Compared to the main experiments, we introduced several improvements, such as example packing without cross-document attention and use an "infinite" learning rate schedule.

For tokenizer swapping, we use FOCUS embedding intialization. You can download the required fasttext embedding from this source for German (same as in the main experiments) and from this source for Arabic.

Adapting Mistral-7B to German with tokenizer swapping, pure bfloat16, and the improved training recipe:

bash scripts/ -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:hindsight -g 0,1,2,3 python --config_path ./cfgs/hindsight.yml ./cfgs/deepfocus.yml --tokenizer ./tokenizers/de/sp-bpe-de-32kauto/ --focus_fasttext_model_path /path/to/fasttextmodel-de -d /path/to/CulturaX-custom-de-tokenized --out_dir /path/to/ckptdir --precision bf16-true --fsdp_sharding_strategy SHARD_GRAD_OP --mb 1

For Arabic, we first tune just the embeddings of the new tokenizer for a short period:

bash scripts/ -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:hindsight -g 0,1,2,3 python --config_path ./cfgs/hindsight.yml ./cfgs/deepfocus.yml --tokenizer ./tokenizers/ar/sp-bpe-ar-32kauto/ --focus_fasttext_model_path /path/to/fasttextmodel-ar -d /path/to/CulturaX-custom-ar-tokenized --out_dir /path/to/ckptdir --precision bf16-true --mb 2 --train_only_embeddings --use_fsdp false --training_goal 100 --save_interval 120 --max_lr 4e-4 --infinite_lr 2e-4 --min_lr 1e-5 --warmup_period 10

and then proceed to start the regular continued pretraining starting from the tuned embeddings checkpoint:

bash scripts/ -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:hindsight -g 0,1,2,3 python --config_path ./cfgs/hindsight.yml --tokenizer ./tokenizers/ar/sp-bpe-ar-32kauto/ -d /path/to/CulturaX-custom-ar-tokenized --out_dir /path/to/ckptdir --precision bf16-true --fsdp_sharding_strategy SHARD_GRAD_OP --mb 1 --model_path /path/to/tuned-embeddings-ckpt

We perform an additional ablation were use mixed-precision bfloat16 just for the final annealing phase of the learning rate schedule. We use the final checkpoint of the pure bfloat16 run before the annealing phase as starting point. For this we use:

bash scripts/ -i konstantinjdobler/tight-budget:hindsight -g 0,1,2,3 python --config_path ./cfgs/hindsight.yml --tokenizer ./tokenizers/{language}/sp-bpe-{language}-32kauto/ -d /path/to/CulturaX-custom-{language}-tokenized --out_dir /path/to/ckptdir --precision bf16-mixed --fsdp_sharding_strategy FULL_SHARD --mb 8 --activation_checkpointing true --gradient_accumulation_no_sync false --saved_checkpoint_path /path/to/bf16-true-ckpt-before-annealing


For German, we use a fork of lm-eval.

Clone the repo and select the fork branch:

git clone -b mmlu_de [email protected]:bjoernpl/lm-evaluation-harness-de.git

install the dependencies and run the evaluations using:

python --model hf-causal --model_args "pretrained=/path/to/ckpt" --device cuda:0 --output_path /path/to/outdir/output.json --csv_path /path/to/outdir/results.csv

Run mkdir -p /path/to/outdir/ if the directory does not yet exist.

For Arabic, we use lighteval and run evaluations on the OALL benchmark suite. Clone lighteval:

git clone [email protected]:huggingface/lighteval.git && cd lighteval && git checkout a98210fd3a2d1e8bface1c32b72ebd5017173a4c

install the necessary dependencies and run:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 accelerate launch --model_args "pretrained=/path/to/model" --tasks ./examples/tasks/OALL_tasks.txt --override_batch_size 8 --output_dir=/path/to/output --custom_tasks ./community_tasks/

Performance Benchmark

To reproduce our performance benchmark, complete the setup steps and download and preprocess the German CulturaX dataset first. Then run:

cd scripts/perf_benchmarking && bash


Please cite our work as:

    title={Language Adaptation on a Tight Academic Compute Budget: Tokenizer Swapping Works and Pure bfloat16 Is Enough},
    author={Konstantin Dobler and Gerard de Melo},
    booktitle={2nd Workshop on Advancing Neural Network Training: Computational Efficiency, Scalability, and Resource Optimization (WANT@ICML 2024)},


[WANT@ICML'24] Official code for: "Language Adaptation on a Tight Academic Compute Budget: Tokenizer Swapping Works and Pure bfloat16 Is Enough"




