This project aims to bring Wasmtime support to Kotlin and the JVM. The Kotlin/Native package wraps the Wasmtime C API and adds user experience improvements. It is ready for use!
The Kotlin/JVM package, which is still in its early stages, will wrap the Kotlin/Native package. It is not yet available for use.
Although the code is thoroughly documented following the KDoc standard, the documentation website is not yet published.
val nativeMain by getting {
dependencies {
// a mock state
data class State(var value: Int)
// A mock wat with an exported function `add` that sums two parameters
// The module expects imports `multiply` and `memory`
val wat = """(module
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1))
(import "wrap" "multiply" (func (param ${'$'}x i32) (param ${'$'}y i32) (result i32)))
(func ${'$'}add (param ${'$'}x i32) (param ${'$'}y i32) (result i32)
local.get ${'$'}x
local.get ${'$'}y
(export "add" (func ${'$'}add))
// Configure Wasmtime in the Engine constructor
Engine() {
}.use { engine ->
// A Store manages state and Extern objects
Store(engine, State(42)).use { store ->
// A wasm module can be instantiated from a byte array or wat string
Module(engine, wat).use { module ->
// The linker is used to conveniently link together and instantiate Wasm modules
Linker(engine).use { linker ->
// Manage the Wasm instance's memory
val memory = Memory(store, 1u)
linker.define(store, "env", "memory", memory)
// The FuncFactory provides a convenient UX for defining imports
val import: Func = FuncFactory.wrap(store, ValType.I32(), ValType.I32(), ValType.I32()) {
x: Int, y: Int ->
val result = x * y!!.value = result
linker.define(store, "wrap", "multiply", import)
// We can use the linker to create instance of the module
// The linker automatically selects the correct imports from those we defined
val instance: Instance = linker.instantiate(store, module)
// Get an export from the instance
val addFunc: Func = instance.getExport("add") as? Func ?: throw Exception("no `add` export")
// FuncFactory can wrap a Func and return a standard Kotlin lambda with the expected interface
val addLambda = FuncFactory.producer(addFunc, ValType.I32(), ValType.I32(), ValType.I32())
val sum: Int = addLambda(22, 20)
assertEquals(42, sum)
// Alternatively, we can call the `add` method directly on the Func
val addResult: List<Val> =, Val(20)))
assertEquals(1, addResult.size)
assertEquals(Val.Kind.I32, addResult[0].kind)
assertEquals(42, addResult[0].i32)
The Kotlin/Native package can be used without any direct interaction with C. Class instances that implement the Autocloseable
interface need to be closed when you're done using them in order to free the associated memory resources. This can be done by calling their close
method, or with the use
scope. Extern
and Instance
instances do not need to be freed; they are owned by the Store
and will be freed when the Store
is closed.
The following class types need to be manually closed:
- Never try to close an instance twice
- Never use an instance after it has been closed or freed.
You can configure Wasmtime with the Engine
constructor, which accepts a Config
builder function.
// Note: this example does not use all the available configuration options
val engine = Engine {
You can configure Wasi with the setWasi
method in the Context
class, which can be accessed through the Store
val context = store.context
// Note: this example does not use all the available configuration options
val result = context.setWasi {
setEnv(mapOf("TEST" to "test"))
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repo and make a pull request to get your contribution reviewed and merged.
./gradlew build