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Security: kristenTian/OpenSearch-Dashboards


Reporting a Vulnerability

  • If you discover a potential security issue in this project we ask that you notify AWS/Amazon Security via our vulnerability reporting page or directly via email to [email protected]. Please do not create a public GitHub issue.

  • For Security-CVE related fix -

    • For direct dependency - Use yarn upgrade package to update the package and in order to enforce as sub-deps please add nested-dep step2.

    • For nested dependency/sub-deps - In order to enforce package above Vx.y.z, we can add version in the resolutions section for all the package sub-deps or specific package sub-dep. For more on version updates please see Why and How to upgrade.

    • To add the CVEs fix to previous versions, add label ex: backport 1.x.

      Example: [email protected] vulnerable package and 1.y is the fix 
      step 1: 
      For direct dependency checks: 
              run: yarn upgrade [email protected] to update the package.json 
              and yarn install to update the yarn.lock file
      Step 2.
      Check for sub deps foobar in other package. 
              If [email protected] exists for subdeps in yarn.lock file
              Then edit the package.json file and add **/[email protected] in resolution section as shown below to enforce the 1.y.
                'resolutions': { "**/foobar": "^1.y", 
                                 "**/foo": "^2.x" ,
                                 "**/bar": "^3.k"}
              Then run: yarn install for updating yarn.lock file

There aren’t any published security advisories