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History of the AT&T ast-open software repository (including ksh93), reconstructed from various sources


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This repo was last updated on 2022-02-18 with a few minor changes:
  • Added recovered source code for the 2012-02-02 ast-builtin package.
  • Added recovered INIT source code from complete source tarballs for the following versions:
    • 2000-10-31 93k (from Scientific Linux)
    • 2001-07-04b 93l+ (from old OpenBSD distfiles)
    • 2003-06-21 93o+ (from old OpenPKG sources)
Previous 2022-01-26 changelog
  • Added recovered sourced code for INIT 2003-06-21 93o+ found on the Wayback Machine.
  • Some versions imported from the old ast-open-history repo were mislabled (i.e., the git tag had the wrong version name). Additionally, some versions of ksh were reuploaded by AT&T to apply hotfixes. The following git tags were renamed to account for this:
  • Added releases of ksh93 recovered from the old ksh93-integration project:
    • 2006-05-30 93r+
    • 2006-06-16 93r+
    • 2006-06-30 93r+
    • 2006-07-24 93r+
    • 2006-09-12 93s-
    • 2006-12-04 93s
    • 2006-12-22a 93s (pre-hotfix)
    • 2007-04-18b 93s+ (post-hotfix)
    • 2007-10-31 93s+
    • 2009-06-22 93t+
    • 2010-04-17-osnet 93t+
  • Added releases of ast-base, msgcc and ksh93 obtained from the openSUSE build service:
    • 2008-09-21 ksh93t
    • 2008-10-10 ksh93t
    • 2009-03-10 ksh93t+
    • 2012-02-02 msgcc 93u+
    • 2012-02-14 ast-base 93u+
  • Added ast-base 2001-01-01a 93k+ (from Splack Linux 8.0) to the archive (previously only the 2001-01-01a INIT code was found).
  • Added ast-base 2008-06-24 93t (from Mandrake Linux) to the archive.

You'll need to reclone the repo because the git history was regenerated (or you can download it as a tarball).

ast-open-archive repo

This is an archive of all released versions of ast-open that I could find. Unlike the ksh93-history repo, ast-open-archive provides all of ast-open (without any build patches). Most of these versions are from Daniel Douglas's archive (see ksh93/ksh#388 and the ast-open-history repo), although that archive is missing a few versions of ksh93 and ast-base archived elsewhere.

Showing diffs between versions

To view diffs between each version of ast-open, I suggest excluding license headers from the diffs with regex. The reason for this is because the license headers for all versions from the ast-open-history repo differ from their tarball versions, which can inflate the size of diffs.

# Show all changes in ast-open 2014-06-25 (minus license header changes)
$ git show -I '^\*     ' -I '^#      ' 2014-06-25

# Show a diff of versions 2009-05-01b and 2009-05-05
$ git diff -I '^\*     ' -I '^#      ' 2009-05-01b 2009-05-05

git blame can be used to view which version of ast-open introduced or changed a line of code, e.g.:

$ git blame src/cmd/nmake/make.c


History of the AT&T ast-open software repository (including ksh93), reconstructed from various sources




