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Kshitiz Khanal edited this page Feb 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Aerogami wiki!

How do we learn and internalize fundamental concepts in any domain? Learning is connecting. We connect new concepts with things we already know.

Einstein said, "If you cant explain it to a child, you don't understand it well enough."

Everybody is intrigued with how things fly. But clear understanding of the concept is limited to people with background in engineering and physics. Only few of those who understand how things fly can explain it well enough to laymen.

One man's magic is another man's engineering. - Anonymous

To the scientist an aeroplane is merely a complex body moving through a fluid, and until he understands how a simple body moves he has no chance of understanding the fundamental principles of aeronautics. - G. I . Taylor "Scientific Method in Aeronautics" (1921)

The successful aeroplane, like many other pieces of mechanism, is a huge mass of compromise. -Howard T. Wright, "Aeroplanes from an Engineer's Point of View" (1912)

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