notie is a clean and simple notification suite for javascript, with no dependencies. demo:
- Alert users
- Confirm user choices
- Allow user to input information
- Allow user to select choices
- Pure JavaScript, no dependencies
- Easily customizable
- Change colors to match your style/brand
- Modify styling with the sass file (notie.scss)
- Font size auto-adjusts based on screen size
- IE 10+
- Chrome 11+
- Firefox 4+
- Safari 5.1+
- Opera 11.5+
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/notie.css">
<!-- Bottom of body -->
<script src="/path/to/notie.js"></script>
npm install notie
bower install notie
notie.alert(alertType(Number), message(String, timeInSeconds);
notie.confirm(title(String), yesText(String), noText(String), yesCallback(Function), noCallbackOptional(Function));
notie.input(options(JSON), title(String), submitText(String), cancelText(String), submitCallback(Function), cancelCallbackOptional(Function));, choices(Array of Objects) /*, callback1(Function), callback2(Function), ... */);
For example:
notie.alert(1, 'Success!'); // Never hides unless clicked, or escape or enter is pressed
notie.alert(2, 'Warning<br><b>with</b><br><i>HTML</i><br><u>included.</u>', 2); // Hides after 2 seconds
notie.alert(3, 'Error.', 2.5);
notie.alert(4, 'Information.', 3);
notie.confirm('Are you sure you want to do that?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() {
notie.alert(1, 'Good choice!', 2);
notie.confirm('Are you sure?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() {
notie.confirm('Are you <b>really</b> sure?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() {
notie.confirm('Are you <b>really</b> <i>really</i> sure?', 'Yes', 'Cancel', function() {
notie.alert(1, 'Okay, jeez...', 2);
type: 'email'
placeholder: '[email protected]',
prefilledValue: '[email protected]'
}, 'Please enter your email address:', 'Submit', 'Cancel', 'email', '[email protected]', function(valueEntered) {
notie.alert(1, 'You entered: ' + valueEntered, 2);
type: 'password',
placeholder: 'Enter your password'
}, 'Please enter your password:', 'Submit', 'Cancel', function(valueEntered) {
notie.alert(1, 'You entered: ' + valueEntered, 2);
}, function(valueEntered) {
notie.alert(3, 'You cancelled with this value: ' + valueEntered, 2);
});'Demo item #1, owner is Jane Smith',
{ title: 'Share' },
{ title: 'Open', color: '#57BF57' },
{ title: 'Edit', type: 2 },
{ title: 'Delete', type: 3 }
function() {
notie.alert(1, 'Share item!', 3);
}, function() {
notie.alert(1, 'Open item!', 3);
}, function() {
notie.alert(2, 'Edit item!', 3);
}, function() {
notie.alert(3, 'Delete item!', 3);
colorSuccess: '#57BF57',
colorWarning: '#D6A14D',
colorError: '#E1715B',
colorInfo: '#4D82D6',
colorNeutral: '#A0A0A0',
colorText: '#FFFFFF',
animationDelay: 300, // Be sure to also change "transition: all 0.3s ease" variable in .scss file
backgroundClickDismiss: true