Source was imported from and modified to make possible to compile with morden Perl.
Current sources were tested with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and Perl 5.26.1.
First of all you should change your Perl Makefile. You need to go to your Perl sources and go to its win32 subdirectory. There is Makefile that you have to change. I checked the following configuration:
--- Makefile.original 2017-09-07 14:19:52.000000000 -0500
+++ Makefile.modified 2017-10-26 20:13:03.992252900 -0500
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
# Uncomment if you want to build a 32-bit Perl using a 32-bit compiler
# on a 64-bit version of Windows.
-#WIN64 = undef
+WIN64 = undef
# Comment this out if you DON'T want your perl installation to be versioned.
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
# uncomment exactly one of the following
# Visual C++ 6.0 (aka Visual C++ 98)
# Visual C++ .NET 2002/2003 (aka Visual C++ 7.0/7.1) (full version)
# Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 (aka Visual C++ 7.1) (free command-line tools)
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
# Visual C++ 2013 Express Edition (aka Visual C++ 12.0) (free version)
# Visual C++ 2015 (aka Visual C++ 14.0) (full version)
# Visual C++ 2015 Express Edition (aka Visual C++ 14.0) (free version)
# Visual C++ 2017 (aka Visual C++ 14.1) (all versions)
Now you are ready to build your own Perl. Just open "Developer Command Prompt
for VS2015" and type nmake
. When everything is built type nmake install
. I
don't suggest you to perform any testing as I cannot tell you what you should do
in case of this testing is failed.
Also you need to build ZLib. But it seems to me easy enough to don't mention it. I used ZLib 1.2.8. You can take it here: ZLib on GitHub.
Then build mmc
as usual using CMake. After all, you should copy few files from
your Perl installation to the folder with built mmc executable file:
Sample scripts to be put into mmc.ini
to turn on MSDP support on your client:
$MSDP_OPT = "\x45";
$MSDP_VAR = "\x1";
$MSDP_VAL = "\x2";
$TELNET_IAC = "\xff";
$TELNET_SB = "\xfa";
$TELNET_SE = "\xf0";
sub MSDP_Init
msg("Initializing MSDP.");
sub MSDP_Data($)
my $s = unpack "H*", shift;
$s =~ s/(..)/ 0x\1/g;
msg("Got MSDP data: $s");
MUD::register_telopt_handler(\&MSDP_Init, \&MSDP_Data, 0x45, "MSDP");
This script turns on MSDP protocol if server supports it and requests reporing
variable. However, it shows response just as a hex dump right in your
main mmc window. Probably later it will be turned into a better shape but for
now you should do it yourself.