Elm bindings to react-native-maps which takes over original MapView
component in the #react-native. As of the version 0.42, the reference to MapView
is removed from React Native components.
This package is tested on the following versions,
- [email protected] and 42.0
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- elm-native-ui@latest
I have created a simple exapmle showing a MapView and a ScrollView with a list of station names. By touching a station name, the map center move to the selected stations's coordinate, then shows the corresponding callout, the marker pop ups to front and animates slightly. Not sophisticated UI design, but it is working pretty well.
Create a new React Native app:
$ react-native init GoogleMapsExample
Install required npm packages:
$ cd GoogleMapsExample
$ npm install
Before going futher you need to setup react-native-maps
by following their installation instructions. If you want to use Google Maps on iOS devices, you should apply ONLY Option 1 exactly. For React Natie 0.42.0 support please refer this.
Copy all files in the examples/GoogleMapsExample
to the top level of the app directory.
$ cp examples/GoogleMapsExample/* .
Install Elm packages with elm-install.
$ elm-install
Then compile as nomral Elm code.
$ npm run build
Start the app.
$ react-native run-ios
$ react-native run-android
- Some features are supported only specific platform only, please consult with the original documentations and issues.