Abdominal organ segmentations for UKBB and GNC studies can be obtained with 4 straightforward steps below.
Folder names can be set as preferred. Details of arguments that will be used in the script are as follows:
zip_folder = Folder that contains downloaded zip files for each subject.
nifti_folder = Folder that contains subjects with stitched volumes as .nii.gz files
nnunet_folder = Folder that contains subjects formatted for nnUNet
prediction_folder = Folder that contains final predictions
output_folder = Folder that contains predictions with the original naming
dataset_name = Either ukbb or gnc
num_channels = Either 1 or 4
Download and put whole-body MRI data into a single directory
This is the initial pre-processing step (only run either UKBB or GNC script depending on your source of data).
python extract_ukbb.py
--zip_folder my_original_data/
--nifti_folder my_nifti_data/
The script converts files to the nnUNet naming.
python convert2nnunet.py
--nifti_folder my_nifti_data/
--nnunet_folder my_nnunet_data/
--dataset_name ukbb
--num_channels 4
The script generates the predictions for abdominal organs (example below is for UKBB with 4-channel model).
export RESULTS_FOLDER=models/
python predict.py
--nnunet_folder my_nnunet_data/
--prediction_folder my_predictions/
--dataset_name ukbb
--num_channels 4
The script converts predictions back to the original naming.
python convert2original.py
--prediction_folder my_predictions/
--output_folder my_outputs/
All organ segmentations are saved into the output folder with their original naming convention.