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Here is some examples of typography with inline code

with some(good, examples):

A note to my future self:

  • export corpus via admin

  • split it in chunks like this: cat | pv | split -l5000000 --additional-suffix .txt -d - split/news_

  • apply text normalization: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Xmx128G groovy CleanText.groovy --dir split/ -w 2 -p (be careful with RAM usage)

  • glue all the normalized parts back together and apply sed to replace \n{3,} to \n\n\n\n, like this sed -z 's/\n{3,}/\n\n\n\n/g. Or more precisely: cat fiction_00.txt fiction_01.txt fiction_02.txt fiction_03.txt | pv -cN "Input"| sed -z 's/\n\{3,\}/\n\n\n\n/g' | pv -cN "Output" > ubertext.fiction.filter_rus_gcld+short.text_only.txt or maybe even: $ rm ubertext.court.filter_rus_gcld+short.text_only.txt; for file in court_*.txt; do cat $file | sed -z 's/\n\{3,\}/\n\n\n\n/g' | pv -cN "$file" >> ubertext.court.filter_rus_gcld+short.text_only.txt; done

  • apply sentence tokenizer: cat /data/ubertext/for_stefan/fiction/ready-clean/ubertext.fiction.filter_rus_gcld+short.text_only.txt | pv -cN "Input" | groovy TokenizeText.groovy -s -i - -o - | pv -cN "Output" > /data/ubertext/for_stefan/fiction/ready-sentenced/ubertext.fiction.filter_rus_gcld+short.text_only.txt