Ros packages for the ViV UGV developed for the HEKTOR project.
Contains description, control and Gazebo packages.
Clone into a catkin workspace and build with
catkin build viv_gazebo
To launch an empty world simulation:
roslaunch viv_gazebo viv_empty_world.launch
To launch a simulator with a randomly generated vineyard:
Navigate to viv_description/scripts
Once you are located in viv_description/scripts generate a spawn_random_vineyard.launch with generate_random_vineyard_launch
to generate a spawn_random_vineyard.launch with 2 rows, and 5 randomly selected plant models in a single row:
./ 5 2
Launch the simulation with:
roslaunch viv_gazebo viv_random_vineyard.launch spawn_d435:=true
Wait for all the grapevines to spawn, and unpause the simulation
ViV is spawned with a ROS differential drive controller
Velocity is commanded by publishing a Twist message to