Author: Mark Bush, Ocado Ltd
The circle-sync application is an example of how to use the Google+ Domains API. The application provides a way of managing the members of one or more Circles based on an external source.
This application is set up as an Eclipse project, however you can import it into your preferred development environment.
I have used Maven to manage the build process. If you are using an IDE, then there will be a plugin available which will help with building and running projects. You can build on the command line using:
mvn package appassembler:assemble
The "package" goal compiles the source and then packages it into a JAR file. The "appassembler:assemble" goal creates an application setup in the project's "target/appassembler" folder containing all the dependant JARs and scripts (for both Windows and UNIX based systems) that enable you to run it easily.
By default, the application looks for a file called "circle-sync.conf" in the current directory. This file should have lines of the form: