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Analysis framework (with brightness) for the STAR data at RHIC. The main features include:

  • Many new modules (Maker classes) for different types of analyses
  • New scheduler workflow based on HTCondor which is itself integrated in root
  • Configurable using the config file for each user
  • Built-in help or instructions

Quick Start

  • Download or clone this repositiory on STAR RCF computer:
git clone
  • From the top level directory do:
star config

This will create some directories required.

  • Compile the library:
starver SL20a
source setup.[c]sh

Choose either or setup.csh depending your terminal preference.

  • Start root and type help()
root -l
[0] help()
  • (Optional) To take full advantage of the framework, update the configuration file config/config.cfg accordingly.

Selective Compilation

  • Using the command make will compile everything. It is possoble to compile only the selected libraries that you need.
make lib
make cons
make macro
make ana
make emj
make diff
make sim

The above commands will compile libBrStar, StRoot, runMacros, analysis, emJetAnalysis, diffAnalysis, starSim directories respectively. Next section explains the purpose of these directories. Depending on which analysis you are interested in, you can just do make lib, make macros and make emj (if you are doing Em-jet analysis).

Directory Structure

  • libBrStar: Main Bright STAR classes. Functionality added on top on StRoot. Class name starts with TSt.
  • StRoot: StRoot classes. Based on StMaker design. Used to generate user defined pico DST.
  • analysis: Prototype analysis example for each detector. Detector specific scripts start with the acronym of the detector.
  • diffAnalysis: Main analysis scripts for the physics analysis. A_N specific scripts starts with An.
  • runMacros: Compilable macros to run the Makers from StRoot.
  • emJetAnalysis: EM Jet Ananlysis with FMS and EEMC
  • starSim: Simulation work for STAR

Bright STAR Maker

  • Maker modules are inside StRoot/ directory and named after each detector or analysis. It start with Br to distinguish from StRoot similar modules.

  • The Maker classes start with TSt and the corresponding root macro is inside macros directory. Each macro start with Run followed by corresponding maker class name (without TSt). The macros have extension .C.

  • All required shared objects are loaded from rootlogon.C file on root startup and not from the maker macros.

  • User configuration is defined in config/config.cfg. All batch farm job description files are inside condor/.

Environment Variables

  • STARHOME: The top level directory on the execution host where setup.[c]sh file resides. Depending on whether command is issued locally or on batch farm nodes, STARHOME will point to different location. This vaiable is set by the setup.[c]sh script.
  • BRIGHTHOME: The top level directory of the BrightStar framework on user's machine. This variable is static and set from the config file.

Bright Scheduler

The BrightSTAR framework provides multiple approaches for batch farm job submission.


  • Run build-in scheduler from root prompt as:
TStScheduler::SubmitJob(TString functionName, Int_t firstRun, Int_t lastRunOrNfiles)

Use this approach for generating DST from MuDst.

  • Submit generic job for any function or script:
TStScheduler::SubmitJob(vector<string> jobList, TString jobName)

Where jobList is function list in FunctionName(arg1, ...) format or script list in .x Script.C(arg1, ...) format.

For more options type help().

  • Run condor scheduler from terminal:

Modify condor.job and jobMacro.C inside the directory condor/ according to your need and submit job as:

condor_submit condor.job

This approach is convenient for simulation jobs for example.


  • Submit job using SUMS (template) from root prompt:
TStScheduler::SubmitSumsJob(TString function, TString runList, TString outName)

For more options type help()

  • Submit job using SUMS (template) from terminal:
    • Go to sums/sums_template directory.
    • Modify jobMacro.C and accordingly and submit the job as:
./ <function name>  <runList>  <outName>. 
  • Submit jobs using SUMS (non template approach):
    • From the top level directory, update the function name inside jobMacro.C file, modify sumsJobs.xml to update dataset.
    • Submit jobs: star-submit sumsJobs.xml

Check Job Status From root prompt do:


Directory Tree

├── analysis
├── bin
├── condor
├── config
├── database
├── diffAnalysis
├── dst 
├── emJetAnalysis
├── include
├── jobOutput
├── jobResults
├── jobs
├── libBrStar
├── Makefile
├── resources
├── results
├── rootlogon.C
├── runMacros
├── scratch 
├── scripts
├── setup.csh
├── star
├── starSim
├── StRoot
├── studentsAna
├── sums