Die weiterentwickelte Version findet sich in einem neuen Repository!
The evolved version can be found in a new repository!
Project by Students at HTW Berlin, Winter Semester 2016/17. This planner is supposed to help students to organize each semester's courses individually. You can find a Mockup at http://12q5wx.axshare.com/main_page_simple.html
- Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:lauralindal/dein-semesterplaner.git
- Install all the necessary modules and such
npm install
- Start the App
npm start
- Check Data Base Auth
, make sure you have a database user "test" with password "test" / (log in in the lower right corner).
Term | Description |
course | A course is a part of a module. A module consists of at least one course. It has a specific course format. |
course format | Every course has a specific format such as a lecture, a practice session etc. Seminaristischer Lehrvortrag (SL), Begleitübung (BÜ), Projektseminar(PS), Praktische Übung (PÜ), PC-Übung (PCÜ) or Laborpraktikum (LPr). |
course interval | Describes how often a course meets: Weekly, biweekly or in a workshop format. |
credit points | European standard to describe the average student workload of a module/course. |
current credit points | Credit points of the currently selected courses for the upcoming semester. |
date of enrolment | The date the student enrolled at university to start his degree program. |
degree credit points | Credit points needed for the completion of the degree program. |
module | A module is a study unit set by the degree program’s study regulations. A module is comprised of at least one course. |
module description | Description of the content taught in this particular module. |
module frequency | Describes how often a module is offered within the academic year: Once every semester or only every other semester. |
module prerequisites | Some modules can only be taken under the condition that another specific module (or modules) has already been completed. |
repetition period | Period in which a started module needs to be completed to stay in the degree program. |
status (module) | A module can have one of these 5 statuses: available, selected, started, urgent or completed. |
status_available(blue) | Module is available for selection in the current semester. |
status_completed(grey) | Module has been taken in a previous semester and was successfully completed. |
status_selected(green) | Module has been selected for the current semester. |
status_started(yellow) | Module has been taken in a previous semester, but necessary requirements for completion have not been satisfied. |
status_urgent(red) | Started module needs to be completed this semester as to comply with the repetition period. |
total credit points | Credit points that the student has accumulated with previously completed modules. |
Term | Description | Abbreviation |
course schedule | All sections of selected courses for the current semester displayed in a weekly calendar format. | |
current credits | Graphic display of current credits (Explanation see above). | |
legend | Graphic explanation of the course statuses. | |
module plan | Graphic representation of all module requirements in the degree program sorted by semester. | |
module pool | Graphic representation of selected modules for the current semester. Course are dragged from the module plan and dropped here. | |
total credits | Graphic display of total credits (Explantation see above) |