Simple utility scripts for downloading, unpacking and reformatting the Geonames RDF data dumps.
Leigh Dodds ([email protected])
Geonames is a great resource for geographical information. Helpfully they publish data exports in a variety of formats, allowing others to process and manipulate the data locally.
Unfortunately the RDF data dump that is available from:
is a little idiosyncratic. Rather than provide a single ntriples or even RDF/XML file the dump consists of a text file that consists of alternating lines like this:
...feature URI.... rdf:RDF...RDF/XML description of feature....</rdf:RDF>
This means you need to script up unpacking the file in order to load it into a triple store.
The Rakefile and script provided here make it easy to download, unpack and convert the data dump into ntriples.
The conversion is written in Ruby and uses the RDF.rb and rdf/raptor libraries. So before running the scripts you'll need to execute:
sudo gem install rdf rdf-raptor
To download and convert the files into ntriples simply run:
rake download convert
The converted data is stored in geonames.nt.
These scripts are free and unencumbered public domain software. For more information, see or the accompanying UNLICENSE file.