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Sardroid server

NodeJS express app for brokering connections. run npm install and npm start to start.

Needs babel installed to work, see:

For development simply run

    npm start

on your command line. When you're ready to deploy, run

    npm run-script build

and then

    npm run-script serve

to transpile everything to ES5 and start the node server!


This project uses the sequelize CLI to manage migrations and such:

So you definitely should

    npm install -g sequelize-cli

If you don't want to install anything globally, you'll have to append each call to the sequelize CLI with ./node_modules/.bin/ to use the locally installed CLI tool.

Migrations were added to this project in the middle of development, so it's sort of a hack job! You're going to have to set up database credentials to both app/utils/config.js and app/config/config.json for now.


To run the docker container, specify the necessary environment variables into the sardroid.env file, then pull up a postgres container from Docher Hub with:

    docker pull postgres:9.4.5
    docker run --name soardb --env-file sardroid.env -d postgres:9.4.5

to spin up the database container with posgres by the name of soardb. Next up, build the image and start it, linking it together with the postgres container. None of the application code is inside the container, so we don't need to rebuild the docker image on miniscule changes. You shouls pass the location to this repository on the local filesystem with the -v argument.

    docker pull melonmanchan/sardroid-server
    docker run --name soar-server --env-file sardroid.env -v <REPO-ABSOLUTE-PATH>/:/sardroid -p 9000:9000 --link soardb:postgres -d melonmanchan/sardroid-server

That should do it!