Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8 Build 18414
Discord link: https://discord.gg/byBCHbwJEg
Client exe files" https://mega.nz/file/xUJDkIDA#I3TMdPymMw8ISNwIUgSaXLl5oHJHYFxAKyPNMXUQjgY
- Platform: Linux, Windows or Mac
- AMD64 or AArch64 CPU architecture
- Processor with SSE2(AMD64 CPU architecture) support
- MySQL = 5.7 / 8.0-8.1
- CMake ≥ 3.27.2
- OpenSSL = 1.1.1 / 3.0-3.1.1 (3.2.0 not supported) (MySQL >= 8.0.33)
- Boost ≥ 1.74.0_msvc 14.2 x64
- Windows SDK version 10.0.22621
- MS Visual Studio (Community) ≥ 16.4 (2019) (Desktop) (Not previews)
- GCC >= 8.0, Clang >= 12.0
License: GPL 2.0
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Read file THANKS
For any questions, please contact us on discord or our forum: http://legendsemu.funbb.ru/