PyMIR is a Python library for common tasks in Music Information Retrieval (MIR)
- Numpy
- Scipy
- FFmpeg executable
- PyAudio (for playback)
- Matplotlib (for graphing)
- Read WAV files (using scipy) and MP3 files (using FFmpeg)
- Temporal feature extraction (Frame class)
- Constant-Q Transform
- Discrete Cosine Transform
- Energy
- Frame segmentation from onsets
- Spectrum (FFT)
- Zero-crossing rate
- Spectral feature extraction (Spectrum class)
- Spectral Centroid
- Spectral Flatness
- Spectral Moments (mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis)
- Spectral Spread
- Spectral Rolloff
- Spectral Crest Factor
- Chroma
- Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
- Inverse FFT
- Other features
- Audio playback via PyAudio
- Naive chord estimation
- Naive pitch estimation
- Onset detectors (energy, flux)
- Spectral Flux
The standard workflow for working with PyMIR is:
- Open an audio file (wav or mp3)
- Decompose into frames
- Decomposed into fixed-size frames or
- Use an onset detector
- Extract temporal features
- Extract spectral features
from pymir import AudioFile
wavData ="audio.wav")
mp3Data ="audio.mp3")
fixedFrames = wavData.frames(1024)
windowFunction = numpy.hamming
fixedFrames = audiofile.frames(1024, windowFunction)
from import onsets
energyOnsets = onsets.onsetsByEnergy(wavData)
framesFromOnsets = wavData.framesFromOnsets(energyOnsets)
fixedFrames[0].cqt() # Constant Q Transform
fixedFrames[0].dct() # Discrete Cosine Transform
fixedFrames[0].energy(windowSize = 256) # Energy
fixedFrames[0].play() # Playback using pyAudio
fixedFrames[0].plot() # Plot using matplotlib
fixedFrames[0].rms() # Root-mean-squared amplitude
fixedFrames[0].zcr() # Zero-crossing raate
# Compute the spectra of each frame
spectra = [f.spectrum() for f in fixedFrames]
spectra[0].centroid() # Spectral Centroid
spectra[0].chroma() # Chroma vector
spectra[0].crest() # Spectral Crest Factor
spectra[0].flatness() # Spectral Flatness
spectra[0].idct() # Inverse DCT
spectra[0].ifft() # Inverse FFT
spectra[0].kurtosis() # Spectral Kurtosis
spectra[0].mean() # Spectral Mean
spectra[0].mfcc2() # MFCC (vectorized implementation)
spectra[0].plot() # Plot using matplotlib
spectra[0].rolloff() # Spectral Rolloff
spectra[0].skewness() # Spectral Skewness
spectra[0].spread() # Spectral Spread
spectra[0].variance() # Spectral Variance
from pymir import SpectralFlux
# Compute the spectral flux
flux = SpectralFlux.spectralFlux(spectra, rectify = True)
Playback is provided on all AudioFile and Frame objects. Internal representation is 32-bit floating point.
Naive chord estimation using a dictionary of the 24 major and minor triads only, represented as normalized chroma vectors. Similarity is measured using the cosine similarity function. The closest match is returned (as a string).
This is called a naive approach because it does not consider preceding chords, which could improve chord estimation accuracy.
To use, compute the chroma vector from a spectrum, and then use the getChord method
spectrum = frame.spectrum()
chroma = spectrum.chroma()
chord = chordestimator.getChord(chroma)