This is a Puppet module for php based on the second generation layout ("NextGen") of Example42 Puppet Modules.
Made by ALessandro Franceschi / Lab42
Official site:
Official git repository:
Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.
This module requires functions provided by the Example42 Puppi module (you need it even if you don't use and install Puppi)
For detailed info about the logic and usage patterns of Example42 modules check the DOCS directory on Example42 main modules set.
Install php with default settings
class { 'php': }
Install a specific version of php package
class { 'php': version => '1.0.1', }
Remove php package
class { 'php': absent => true }
Enable auditing without without making changes on existing php configuration files
class { 'php': audit_only => true }
Define nginx service to be notified on changes
class { 'php': service => 'nginx' }
Install a new module
php::module { "imagick": }
Install a specific version of a module:
php::module { "imagick": version => '1.0.1'; }
Remove php module
php::module { "imagick": absent => true, }
By default module package name is php-$title for RedHat and php5-$title . You can override this prefix.
php::module { "apc": module_prefix => "php-" }
Configure php module to all SAPI
php::mod { "mcrypt": }
is filename without.ini
extension from/etc/php5/mods-available/<name>.ini
Configure multiple php module to all SAPI
$mods = ["mcrypt", "mongo"] php::mod { "$mods": }
Unconfigure php module to all SAPI
php::mod { "xdebug" disable => true, }
Install a pear package
php::pear::module { "XML_Util": }
Install a pear package from a remote repository
php::pear::module { 'PHPUnit': repository => '', use_package => 'no', }
Install a pear package will all dependencies (--alldeps)
php::pear::module { 'PHPUnit': repository => '', alldeps => 'true', }
Set a config option
php::pear::config { http_proxy: value => "myproxy:8080" }
Install a pecl package
php::pecl::module { "XML_Util": }
Install a pecl package from source specifying the preferred state (note that you must have the package 'make' installed on your system)
php::pecl::module { "xhprof": use_package => 'false', preferred_state => 'beta', }
Set a config option
php::pecl::config { http_proxy: value => "myproxy:8080" }
Auto-answer prompts for unattended-installation (where configure might used used for instance)
php::pecl::module { 'stomp': use_package => 'false', auto_answer => 'no\\n\\n', }
Use custom sources for main config file.
class { 'php': source => [ "puppet:///modules/lab42/php/php.conf-${hostname}" , "puppet:///modules/lab42/php/php.conf" ], }
Manage php.ini files on Debian and Suse derivatives. Here the main config file path (managed with the source/template params) defaults to /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini. To manage other files, either set a different path in config_file or use the php::conf define.
class { 'php': config_file => '/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini', # Default value on Ubuntu/Suse template => 'example42/php/php.ini-apache2.erb', } php::conf { 'php.ini-cli': path => '/etc/php5/cli/php.ini', template => 'example42/php/php.ini-cli.erb', }
Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir
class { 'php': source_dir => 'puppet:///modules/lab42/php/conf/', source_dir_purge => false, # Set to true to purge any existing file not present in $source_dir }
Use custom template for main config file. Note that template and source arguments are alternative.
class { 'php': template => 'example42/php/php.conf.erb', }
Automatically include a custom subclass
class { 'php': my_class => 'php::example42', }