- arbitrary self-replicating machines running on arbitrary topologies
- continuous or discrete spaces, arbitrary number of dimensions, graph structures, hexagonal grids, etc
- machines can be stohastic or deterministic, behaviour implemented as RAM-machines, generative grammars, blind or with perception, etc
should be able to simulate transformation rule based generation like L-systems, brownian motion etc or stuff that perceves, like CA or boids
spaces are immutable objects, machines are functions returning other machines potentially with the parent machine context transformed.
views, storage and controllers are implemented as plugins, to be used depending on the system to be displayed
the language itself is inspired by (among other things) https://www.contextfreeart.org/
A = (ctx) -> ctx.t x: -2, s: (/2),(ctx) ->
ctx.t r: -60 , x: 1, (ctx) -> return
ctx.t r: 60, x: 1, (ctx) -> return
ctx.t r: 60, x: 1, (ctx) -> return
B = (ctx) -> ctx.t x: -2, s: (/2), (ctx) ->
ctx.t r: 60, x: 1, (ctx) -> return
ctx.t r: -60, x: 1, (ctx) -> return
ctx.t r: -60, x: 1, (ctx) -> return
mapper = linlin(0, 1, 0, 2)
mover = (pos, ctx) -> pos + (random(-mapper(1 - ctx.ctx.size), mapper(1 - ctx.ctx.size), true))
export Branch = (ctx) ->
ctx.t do
size: (* 0.9)
x: mover
y: mover
z: mover
-> weighted do
[ 1, [ Branch, Branch ] ]
[ 4, Branch ]
export Branch = (ctx) ->
ctx.t { dir: mover, size: (*0.96), color: rndc }, (ctx) ->
weighted do
[ 2 / ctx.ctx.size, Branch ]
[ 1, [ Branch, Branch ] ]
game of life, R-Pentomino pattern
placeChecks = (ctx) ->
map ctx.neighCoords(), (coords) ->
if not ctx.lookFuture(coords)
ctx.t { loc: coords } <<< rndcBlock, (ctx) -> Check
export On = (ctx) ->
if ctx.count(On) in [ 2, 3 ] then ctx.t rndcBlock, (ctx) -> [ On ]
else placeChecks(ctx)
export Check = (ctx) ->
if ctx.count(On) == 3 then [ On, ...placeChecks(ctx) ]