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SmartSheets is a better way to store and share data

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Group 1: Daniel Salazer, Dayan Sauerbronn, Levi Fry, Kyle Dilick, & Kevin Wolfe

Version Notes:

- Initialized Application 
- Set up the framework to start building SmartSheets
- Imported README picture files into SMARTSHEETPICS folder
- Began README "living document" logging
- Began implementing ROUTES
- Created .css, .jsx styling files for GLOBAL
- Began styling basic sheet format
- Building scaffolds
- Begin creating API
- Collapsible menu created
- Authentication tokens in Firebase implemented

- Added "instant login" button to login instantly when desired -- user auth only persists until page refresh
- Refactored user object in useUser.jsx state
- Added profile image to sidebars
- General updates to sidebar CSS
- User authentication now persists in local storage
- Created AuthProvider to route the user based on authentication in local storage
- Refreshing the page now preserves the previous location in history, instead of defaulting to the homepage
- Created PageLoader element with animation for page loads
- Lite and dark theme added, still needs work -- theme toggle button added to sidebar
- Small updates to Sheets page CSS

v0.3 (5 July):
- Formatted ADD ITEM menu to be seperate from page; enables easier mobile display
- Adjusted light/dark theme options for aesthetics, ease of viewing
- Implementing FIREBASE authentication between client, host
- Added scrollbars to sheet view, formatted to be outside of viewable area
- ADD ITEM container now goes across entire page rather than being a sidebar
- Played with checkboxes, verified that Family Size Baked Beans IS BEANS

v0.4 (6 July):
- Formatting front end DIV's, containers, to ensure proper display
- Resolved FIREBASE login issue where token wasn't being passed between host, client
- Beginning to implement GET requests from backend to frontend
- Implementing USER ACCESS/menus page from mobile view
- Clicking on a sheet now generates a dynamic route
- Beginning to tie together backend, frontend tables/presentation together
- USER ACCESS screen now displayers access rights per user

v0.5 (7 July):
- Refactored EDIT ENTRY code to iterate through all fields correctly, update values/value ID's
- Updated Miro board to ensure "living document" accuracy
- Implementing, refactoring USE STATE for table EDIT ENTRY array
- Refactoring, editing DARK MODE CSS to better display requisite information
- Refactoring USER ACCESS screen code
- Implemented CLICK TO DRAG for sheet view
- Implemented auto-scrolling, auto center

v0.6 (8 July):
- Tied frontend into backend for data handling
- Implemented SEARCH on USER ACCESS screen
- Added "UPDATE" notification if previously entered data is changed
- Resolved issue with FIREBASE authentication not passing header

v0.7 (11 July):
- Over weekend, added CREATE SHEET text boxes, CREATE SHEET SCREEN, SHEET SEARCH functionality, cleaned up API routes
- Fixed error being generated when attempting to create NEW SHEET
- Resolved CREATE SHEET CSS styling issues
- Adding functionality to SHEET MENU, esp LEAVE SHEET
- Adding lockout functionality to USER ACCESS currently i/w
- Formatted containers on NEW SHEET, EDIT SHEET pages
- Resolved error between frontend, backend that was crashing server when data in established SHEET was edited
- Instantiated download of given SHEET to CSV file
- Instituted ROLLBASE authentication 
- Beginning QR code integration
- Resolved inability to edit SHEET FIELDS in ENTRY EDIT
- QR code generation instantiated, req add'l refactoring to make printable, separate from button

v0.8 (12 July):
- QR functionality refactored, ops checked, print dialogue added w/ formatting i/w
- Redesigned landing page to be more appealing
- Implemented ability to upload CSV files to backend, have them display properly on frontend
- Bumping out data size limit for server to 1MB; seeking to remove REQUESTTOOLARGE error upon CSV file upload (SEE:  Memory in root directory)
- Resolving CSV formatting errors, prevent returning of empty arrays from backend
- Fixed sidebar menu icon movement, no longer 'jumps' when side menu expands
- Refactoring EDIT PAGE code to address issues with editing data in backend

v0.9 (13 July):
- Resolved QR generation error when unarchiving sheet fields
- Disabled sheet fields if only VIEWER status
- Added ability to SORT COLUMNS both ascending and descending
- Styled NEW/EDIT SHEET pages to be more aesthetically pleasing
- DUPLICATE ENTRY function implemented
- ARCHIVE function implemented on SHEET SCREEN using FILTER button
- Implemented COPY functionality for selected entries

v1.0 (14 July):
- Styled CREATE/EDIT SHEET screen
- Implemented pagination for SHEET SCREEN
- Styled FILTER
- IMPORT CSV button implemented on CREATE SHEET screen
- Last minute styling on buttons, SHEETS, etc.


I need a user friendly way to manage inventory, which promotes accountability and increases efficiency across the Air Force.


Aircraft maintenance is centered around sortie generation. It is the job of the maintainers to keep the aircraft in working condition so the pilots can conduct their missions.

Aircraft maintenance often involves ordering parts for a job and those parts come in piecemeal; once all parts are on hand, we can conduct the maintenance action requiring those parts. The downtime between receiving individual parts can be days, weeks, or months. There is a lot of in-and-out in a parts cage at a maintenance squadron and parts frequently get misplaced. To remedy this, I decided to create an Access database to better track parts received from supply, placed in our parts cage, and were awaiting maintenance actions, and those parts removed from the parts cage for installation on an aircraft.

From there, the idea of incorporating QR codes into parts entered into the parts cage presented itself. The idea being that any part large enough to fit a QR code could be so outfitted, with that QR containing all parts ordering information for the part in question to better enable personnel down range or at a different base to order parts before the arrival of a Maintenance Recovery Team (MRT). This serves to cut down on "dead time" between the MRT arrival at the broken aircraft and the delivery of required parts; by the time the MRT gets on location, the needed parts are already ordered and on their way.


Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD):


ERD Elaboration (Psuedo Code):


Server Notes (Sheet, Table, Field Relationships):


Logic Tree:


Project Status Breakdown:

30 June


5 July


8 July


Project Wireframe:

Login Screen


Logged In Screen


Sheets Screen, Main


Sheets Screen, New & Edit Item


Sheets View, Entry Created


Sheets View, Filter


Sheets View, Edit Sheet


Sheets View, Options Menu


AFTO 350/Due In For Maintenance (DIFM):

AFTO_350 350 Tag/DIFM-only screen was dropped once it was decided to go with customizable fields, negating a dedicated template.

User Access Screen


User Account Screen


Where we kept Daniel Salazar


Install Required Dependencies:

Install Router package

npm install react-router-dom

Install styled components

npm install --save styled-components

Install QR code package

npm install qrcode.react

Install Cypress for unit testing

npm install --save-dev cypress @testing-library/cypress

Install React testing library

npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react

Install Mock Service Worker (MSW) for mock testing

npm install msw


Currently there are 20 Endpoints for this application organized as User, Sheet, Field & Entry the code reflects this organiztion via the routes and controllers folder.

Each function within a controller corresponds to a route call. There may be "extra" functions within those controller files, those functions are under review as they may be moved to the helper.js file as they break the one-to-one ideology and creates code complexity. The helper.js file servers the purpose of minimizes code reuse.

Click on the endpoint listed bellow for more info:


SmartSheets is a better way to store and share data






  • JavaScript 66.0%
  • CSS 33.3%
  • Other 0.7%