This application was written using React and Node.js. The prime purpose of this project is to summarize hundreds of real-time job postings from job boards and return them in an easy to understand, summarized statistical format. This repository only contains code for the front end -- the backend API can be found here.
This app is deployed onto
- Development
- React
- React-Semantic UI
- Deployment and Hosting
- AWS S3 static website hosting
- Amazon CloudFront CDN for use of secure, low-latency edge locations
- Amazon Certificate Manager for SSL/TLS certificate to allow for HTTPS connections
- Google Domains DNS service
- Continuous Deployment
- AWS CodePipeline automatically starts a build and deployment process whenever we commit a change on GitHub
- AWS CodeBuild for automatic code building on EC2 instances
- AWS CodeDeploy for automatic deployment
The application can currently return
- The level of education needed, and
- The type of degree needed
from external job boards, such as Indeed and Github Jobs.
We plan on adding better and more informative statistics like what specific soft/hard skills are needed, and possibly maps showing which areas have higher/lower average salaries for a given search.