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Torch Implementation of Speaker-Listener-Reinforcer for Referring Expression Generation and Comprehension

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Torch implementation of CVPR 2017's referring expression paper "A Joint Speaker-Listener-Reinforcer Model for Referring Expressions"

This repository contains code for both referring expression generation and referring expression comprehension task, as described in this paper.

Requirements and Depencies

Torch with packages: loadcaffe, rnn, hdf5, dpnn


  • Clone the refer_baseline repository
# Make sure to clone with --recursive
git clone --recursive

The recursive will help also clone the refer API repo. Then go to pyutils/refer and run make.

  • Download dataset and images, i.e., RefClef, RefCOCO, RefCOCO+, RefCOCOg from this repo, and save them into folder data/.
  • Download VGG-16-layer model, and save both proto and prototxt into foloder models/vgg.
  • Download object proposals or object detections from here, and save the unzipped detections folder into data. We will use them for fully automatic comprehension task.


We need to save the information of subset of MSCOCO for the use of referring expression. By calling, we will save data.json and data.h5 into cache/prepro

python --dataset refcoco --splitBy unc

Extract features

Before training or evaluation, we need to extract features.

  • Extract region features for RefCOCO (UNC split):
th scripts/extract_ann_feats.lua -dataset refcoco_unc -batch_size 50
  • Extract image features for RefCOCO (UNC split):
th scripts/extract_img_feats.lua -dataset refcoco_unc -batch_size 50


Make sure features are extracted - check if there exists ann_feats.h5 and img_feats.h5 in cache/feats/refcoco_unc/.

First, let's do reward function training, the ``vlsim'' here means "visual-language similarity". The learned model will be used for evaluating similarity score in the reinforcer.

th scripts/train_vlsim.lua -dataset refcoco_unc -id vlsim_xxx

Then we start training the joint model

th train.lua -vl_metric_model_id vlsim_xxx

We also provide options for training triplet loss. There are two types of triplet loss:

  • paired (ref_object, ref_expression) over unpaired (other_object, ref_expression), where other_object is mined from same image and perhaps same-category objects.
th train.lua -vis_rank_weight 1
  • paired (ref_object, ref_expression) over unpaired (ref_object, other_expression).
th train.lua -lang_rank_weight 1 
  • Or you can train weith both triplet losses.
th train.lua -vis_rank_weight 1 -lang_rank_weight 0.2


  • Referring expression comprehension on ground-truth labled objects:
th eval_easy.lua -dataset refcoco_unc -split testA -mode 0 -id xxx

Note here mode = 0 denotes evaluating using speaker model, model = 1 denotes evaluating using listener model, and finally ``model = 2'' denotes using the ensemble of speaker and listener models.

  • Referring expression generation:
th eval_lang.lua -dataset refcoco_unc -split testA

Note, we have two testing splits, i.e., testA and testB for RefCOCO and RefCOCO+, if you are using UNC's split.

  • Referring expressoin generation using unary and pairwise potentions.
th eval_lang.lua -dataset refcoco_unc -split testA -beam_size 10 -id xxx  # generate 10 sentences for each ref
th scripts/compute_beam_score.lua -id xx -split testA -dataset xxx  # compute cross (ref, sent) score
python --dataset xxx --split testA --model_id xxx --write_result 1  # call CPLEX to solve dynamic programming problem

You need to have IBM CPLEX installed in your machine. First run eval_lang.lua with beam_size 10, then call compute_beam_score.lua to compute cross (ref, sent) scores, finally call to pick the sentences with highest score. For more details, check

Fully automatic comprehension using detection/proposal

We provide proposals/detections for each dataset. Please follow the setup section to download the and unzip it into data folder. Same as above, we need to do pre-processing and feature extraction for all the detected regions.

  • Run to add det_id and h5_id for each detected region, which will save dets.json into cache/prepro/refcoco_unc folder.
python scripts/ --dataset refcoco --splitBy unc --source data/detections/refcoco_ssd.json
python scripts/ --dataset refcoco+ --splitBy unc --source data/detections/refcoco+_ssd.json
python scripts/ --dataset refcocog --splitBy google --source data/detections/refcocog_google_ssd.json
  • Extract features for each region:
th scripts/extract_det_feats.lua -dataset refcoco_unc
  • Then we can evaluate the comprehension accuracies on detected objects/proposals:
th eval_dets.lua -dataset refcoco_unc -split testA -id xxx

Pretrained models on RefCOCO (UNC)

We provided two pretrained models here. Specifically they are trained using

  • no_rank: th train.lua -id no_rank -vis_rank_weight 0 -lang_rank_weight 0
  • 0: th train.lua -id 0 -vis_rank_weight 1 -lang_rank_weight 0.1
Ground-truth Box Detected Regions(ssd)
model testA testB
no_rank (speaker) 71.10% 74.01%
no_rank (listener) 76.91% 80.10%
no_rank (ensemble 0.2) 78.01% 80.65%
0 (speaker) 78.95% 80.22%
0 (listener) 77.97% 79.86%
0 (ensemble 0.2) 80.08% 81.73%
model test A test B
no_rank (speaker) 69.15% 61.96%
no_rank (listener) 72.65% 62.69%
no_rank (ensemble 0.2) 72.78% 64.38%
0 (speaker) 72.88% 63.43%
0 (listener) 72.94% 62.98%
0 (ensemble 0.2) 73.78% 63.83%

Pretrained models on RefCOCO+ (UNC)

We provided two pretrained models here. Specifically they are trained using

  • no_rank: th train.lua -dataset refcoco+_unc -id no_rank -vis_rank_weight 0 -lang_rank_weight 0
  • 0: th train.lua -dataset refcoco+_unc -id 0 -vis_rank_weight 1 -lang_rank_weight 0
Ground-truth Box Detected Regions(ssd)
model test A test B
no_rank (speaker) 57.46% 53.71%
no_rank (listener) 63.34% 58.42%
no_rank (ensemble 0.3) 64.02% 59.19%
0 (speaker) 64.60% 59.62%
0 (listener) 63.10% 58.19%
0 (ensemble 0.3) 65.40% 60.73%
model test A test B
no_rank (speaker) 55.97% 46.45%
no_rank (listener) 58.68% 48.23%
no_rank (ensemble 0.3) 59.80% 49.34%
0 (speaker) 60.43% 48.74%
0 (listener) 58.68% 47.68%
0 (ensemble 0.3) 60.48% 49.36%

Pretrained models on RefCOCOg (Google)

We provided two pretrained models here. Specifically they are trained using

  • no_rank: th train.lua -dataset refcocog_google -id no_rank -vis_rank_weight 0 -lang_rank_weight 0
  • 0.2: th train.lua -dataset refcoco+_unc -id 0.2 -vis_rank_weight 1 -lang_rank_weight 0.5
  • 0.4 (branch: refcocog2): th train.lua -dataset refcoco+_unc -id 0.4 -vis_rank_weight 1 -lang_rank_weight 1
Ground-truth Box Detected Regions(ssd)
model val
no_rank (speaker) 64.07%
no_rank (listener) 71.72%
no_rank (ensemble 0.2) 72.43%
0.2 (speaker) 72.63%
0.2 (listener) 72.02%
0.2 (ensemble 0.2) 74.19%
model val
no_rank (speaker) 57.03%
no_rank (listener) 58.32%
no_rank (ensemble 0.2) 60.46%
0.4 (speaker) 59.51%
0.4 (listener) 57.72%
0.4 (ensemble 0.2) 59.84%


  • automatic referring expression generation given just an image Current code only support referring expression geneneration given ground-truth bounding-box (with label). It shouldn't take too much effort to finish this. Just add some more functions inside DetsLoader.lua


The joint training of speaker and listener is helpful to each other. Though this is not reflected in this repo as we only show the joint training results, we refer readers to check our CVPR2017 paper to check this improvement over single speaker or single listener. Generally, ``+MMI'' gives additional boost on speaker, but this has no effect on listener. Overall the reinforcer has some effect but less than incorporating speaker. The joint training of all three modules make the best results so far.

The difference between master and refcocog2 is we forbid sampling different-type objects (by stopping their gradient backpropagation) in refcocog2. The sampling of different-type objects is good for ground-truth comprehension for all three datasets, but make awkward performance on refcocog's detections. To be investigated...

Future work involves larger dataset collection.


Torch Implementation of Speaker-Listener-Reinforcer for Referring Expression Generation and Comprehension






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