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NOTE: The project got the highest grade of 18 other projects.

Used Algorithms


First, we detect the edges using canny, and dilate them. Then we get the contours and sort them by area in descending order. And then we start merging contours whose area are large enough to satisfy certain conditions. After that we get minAreaRect() and process the output to get the four corners that represent our area of interest. Then we do perspective transform to map the four corners to be our new image corners after determining the new dimensions.

After that we redo the previous step but with some changes to deskew the image. At this point we expected to have a fully deskewed image, If the image is near 90 degrees the becomes vertical. So, we detected the image inclination angel using Hough transform and rotated it to git rid of that inclination. At the end we repeat the first step again and get area of interest again to make sure that the output is correct.

If the image is inclined with an angle more than 90 degrees the output will be inverted. So, we use SIFT matcher to see if the clef is in the left or right side. If it is in the right side, we rotate the image by 180 degrees.


We divided the image into small windows and then we calculate the average of the window. The pixels whose value less than the average with predefined percentage is considered as black. Otherwise, it is white.

As an enhancement to the proposed algorithm, we used the method of integral image proposed in [1].

We also tried the method proposed in [2], it is made specifically for the binarization of music scores based on extraction of stafflineHeight and staffspaceHeight of the image. But it did not work out so well in images in which there is a vertical change in illumination because it chooses on threshold for each column or bunch of columns.

Stafflines Removal

In order to detect stafflines and remove them form the image, we first need to know the stafflineHeight and the staffspaceHeight. To extract them we run through the image column by column and calculate the run length of black and white runs and then we took the most recurring black run as the stafflineHeight and the most recurring white run as the staffspaceHeight.

Although this method was able to calculate the lengths very well but we noticed that when applying s&p noise the returned value becomes almost 1 for both lengths so we switched for the method proposed in [3]. It calculates the most recurring sum of two consecutive black and white runs. Figure (1) explains how the lengths are chosen.

There was a more accurate method in which we calculate the lengths form the gray image, but it is too slow and we found it as an overkill.


figure 1

After calculating the lengths, we tried many approaches. The horizontal projections approach used in [4] works well on scanned images only. Hough transform was good with inclinations and discontinuity but not good in presence of curvatures. The method used in [5] depends on selection of candidate points and then joining them by using DP was so good with curvatures but it was so slow. Our chosen method is similar to the previous one but much simpler. It is based on that mentioned in [6] but with improvement in speed and accuracy.

We run through the image column by column and any black run with length in the range of [ stafflineHeight-2, stafflineHeight+2] is considered to be a candidate staff line segment.

Then, we filter the set of candidates to so we only leave the segments that have vertical neighbors in the range of distance [spaceHeight+staffHeight: spaceHeight+2*staffHeight].

In this way our algorithm is much faster than the proposed in the paper as we skipped two major steps the we found unnecessary. And is less prone to detecting parts of the image as staff line segments as our beforementioned removal condition is more accurate and stricter than the one mentioned in the paper.

There is a powerful and elegant method [7,8,9] that we tried but did not use since it is too slow and we didn’t have time to create a C++ plugin. It deals with the image as a weighted graph in which the edges which has at least black end has lower weight than the edge that connects two white pixels. The algorithm then finds the shortest path using Dijkstra algorithm as in [7], or using DP as in [8]. Then it trims the ends of the found path and the remaining part is the staff line. The method used in [7] was faster but less accurate than [8], however both of them were pretty amazing and we intend to make a C++ plugin for that algorithm in the future.


After removing the lines, we split the image into staves by the following approach: First we create a vector which calculates the row numbers that has a staff line. Each staff line is represented using on reference row. Then we consider the mid-points between each two rows if the distance between them is bigger than 5 * (space Height).

We then use OpenCV’s findContours() to separate the symbols then we does some postprocessing in which we discard small contours that wrap deformities resulted from removing lines and binarization. We join disjointed elements based on the conditions mentioned in [10]. If the height of the bounding box of one of two close fragments is greater than its width and its height is smaller than staffspaceHeight, the two fragments are merged.


All segmented symbols are passed to the classifier described in README- and then the output is passed to semantic construction functions.

The NN was trained on HoG features of symbols with testing error equal to 98%.

If the contour is wide and it is not clef, we conclude that it is a beam. The classifier often misclassified quarter notes as half notes and dots as beams. So, we did a postprocessing step to handle each of them.

The later one was easy, we only check the contour height. In the he former one we calculate number of black pixels in each column and there is at least one column with value in range (0.5spaceHeight, 2spaceHeight) it is quarter note. Otherwise, it is half note.

Semantic Construction

Each class of symbols is dealt with in specific way. In dealing with beamed notes, we used an improved method based on the one proposed in [11]. We first do morphological opening with horizontal kernel to eliminate the stem then, we use a horizontally running thin vertical window and save the length, start and end of the tallest black run which represents the note head. Then we use a threshold to filter

the offset resulted from the beam. We then extract each maximum from every group and take its start and end as the start and end of the note head.


Figure (2)

To determine the number of beams we use a similar approach to the one used in stafflineHeight and staffspaceHeight estimation.

In dealing with chords, we get the x-projection and if the peak is in the middle, we conclude that there are note heads on both side if the stem. Then we remove the stem in the same way we did with beamed notes. We then determine the number of note heads based on the height of the remaining shape. After that, we determine the position of each note and return the sorted alphabetically.

Other notes are done using a series of y & x projections.

Accuracy & Performance

The total runtime of all 32 images is: 110 seconds

Testing: 01.txt Accuracy 99.24812030075188%

Testing: 02.txt Accuracy 90.19607843137256%

Testing: 03.txt Accuracy 100.0%

Testing: 04.txt Accuracy 99.3006993006993%

Testing: 05.txt Accuracy 98.46153846153847%

Testing: 06.txt Accuracy 97.43589743589743%

Testing: 07.txt Accuracy 98.63013698630137%

Testing: 08.txt Accuracy 91.30434782608695%

Testing: 09.txt Accuracy 98.98989898989899%

Testing: 10.txt Accuracy 97.67441860465115%

Testing: 11.txt Accuracy 72.54901960784314%

Testing: 12.txt Accuracy 100.0%

Testing: 13.txt Accuracy 100.0%

Testing: 14.txt Accuracy 100.0%

Testing: 15.txt Accuracy 100.0%


In this paper we walked through the steps of our OMR system. The system is fast and the results were fascinating on the scanned image and camera capture printed images the results were not so well on the handwritten camera captured images. This is due to the various deformations occur to the image in binarization, rotation and segmentation steps. Further work could be done to improve the preprocessing steps and the whole result.


  1. Adaptive Thresholding Using the Integral Image by Derek Bradley and Gerhard Roth
  2. Music Score Binarization Based on Domain Knowledge by Telmo Pinto, Ana Rebelo, Gilson Giraldi, and Jaime S. Cardoso
  3. Robust staffline thickness and distance estimation in binary and gray-level music scores by Jaime S. Cardoso, Ana Rebelo
  4. Sheet Music Reader by Sevy Harris, Prateek Verma
  5. Stave Extraction for Printed Music Scores by Hidetoshi Miyao
  6. An Efficient Staff Removal Approach from Printed Musical Documents by Anjan Dutta
  7. A Shortest Path Approach for Staff Line Detection by authers of 8
  8. A CONNECTED PATH APPROACH FOR STAFF DETECTION ON A MUSIC SCORE by Jaime S. Cardoso, Artur Capela, Ana Rebelo Carlos Guedes
  11. Optical Music Sheet Segmentation by P.Nesi


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