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This is the VSCode extension to use the Stable Ember Language Server.

Stable Ember Language Server is full-featured fork of Ember Language Server. It's stable and extremely power-featured.

All Ember Language Server features included.


Best with


  • Autocomplete (including installed addons and in-repo addons)

    • Components (Curly, Angle Bracket)
    • Component Arguments (if used in template)
    • Service names
    • Route/Controller transition functions route names
    • Model names (store methods, model relation definition)
    • Transform names (model definition)
    • Helpers
    • Yield slot names
    • Modifiers
    • Get / Set / ... / Computed macros
    • Local paths in templates (this...)
    • Route autocompletion in link-to
    • <LinkTo /> @route argument autocomplete
  • Definition providers for (enable features like "Go To Definition" or "Peek Definition"):

    • Components (in Templates)
    • Outlets
    • Helpers (in Templates)
    • Modifiers
    • Models
    • Transforms
    • Routes
    • Services
    • Ember-addons imports
    • Component block arguments (as | name | )
    • Any local paths (this...)
  • Lense provider

    • Related Files (tests, styles, templates, etc)
  • Folding ranges provider

    • Foldings provided for handlebars syntax in hbs, js, ts, gts, gjs files.
  • Component usages

    • Route Templates
    • Component Templates
  • ember-template-lint Diagnostics integration (if it is included in a project)

    • Template parsing issues
    • Template linting
    • Template linting inside tests
    • Auto-fix action for fixable linting issues
  • Supported layouts

    • Classic
    • Template Collocation
    • Pods
  • Supported Script Files

    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript

Available addons

Using this addons as dev-dependencies in your project (or downloading and providing path in extension configuration - "els.local.addons") may extend LS functionality or override default one.


  • els.server.debug.port - LS debug port
  • els.server.debug.enabled - disable / enable LS debug
  • els.codeLens.relatedFiles - disable / enable related files
  • els.local.useBuiltinLinting - disable / enable ember-template-lint integration
  • els.local.useBuiltinFoldingRangeProvider - disable / enable folding range provider (hbs)
  • els.local.addons - globally defined local language server addons entry folders, for example:
    "els.local.addons": ["C:\\Users\\ember\\els-addon-typed-templates"],
  • els.local.ignoredProjects - Supports Ignoring of LS initialization on unneeded projects, for example, the below setting will ignore the initialization of the project named, sample-project-name:
    "els.local.ignoredProjects": ["sample-project-name"],

Note: ignoredProjects leverages the projectName from the name property of the project's package.json


See debugging page